Tag: Calm

“I can’t DO it!”

A story to share–and oh, how I love stories!

In my care a four, seven, and thirteen year old. The two older ones at the table, totally focused on homework and projects. The 4-year-old–Mr. N I’ll call him–immersed in Lego on the floor. Me? Preparing after-school snacks.

Mr. N, tending toward having things ‘just so’ in life, couldn’t get his Lego plane to look just like he wanted. The whine was the first sign:

“Aaaaliiiccce! I can’t DO it. It doesn’t LOOK right…” Here we go…something that we’d done before and I’m sure would do again.

Me: “You sound frustrated!”

Mr. N: “I can’t DOOOOOOOOOOO it!” Escalating rapidly.

Me: “Can I help?

Mr. N: (Now flopping on floor), “NO. NObody can. I can’t DO it…”

And his half-constructed plane is thrown across the floor, busting all to pieces, and the wailing and screaming that followed was to be admired for its intensity 

Okay…so here is where we all find ourselves at some point in our parenting journey–and most likely quite often, depending on age and stage of kids. Here is where I’d like to say how calm and matter-of-fact I felt as I let Mr. N know it is time to take a break and calm down. This is where I’d like to tell you how easily he complied by gathering himself up and snuggling on the couch and quickly pulling himself together to go try again.

I’d like to be able to say that. But the reality? It looked a bit different. I felt my temperature rise…the words going through my head: “Argh! Mr. N is doing it again! Throwing a tantrum over the littlest thing! And the other two kids are trying to work. When is he going to learn? How can I get him to STOP????”

I did have the where-with-all to act-as-if I felt calm and matter of fact. It helped that I had a 7 and 13-year-old watching me intently, and role modeling for them was important to me. Take whatever works to (pretend to) do it well! I do believe that really was my first PAUSE.

Me, with clenched teeth and an extra firm tone of voice–the best I could do in the moment:

“Mr N, you are having a hard time. Your screaming is making it difficult for the girls to do their work. Time to go downstairs until you are calmer and ready to try again.” Sounds good, right? It was–even if I did feel angry, myself. Self-control–a strength!

Mr N had no ability to pick himself up and head downstairs–too busy wailing and flailing. I picked him up  working hard at containing MY anger. Thank goodness for the two sets of eyes watching my every move–another PAUSE of sorts. Off we went down to his room in my house screaming away. I plunked him down and said, “When you have calmed down, we can try again.”

And here is where I can honestly say I did well.

Mr N is screaming and flailing and I found myself sitting sideways in the doorway. I knew from previous experiences that closing the door just added to the turmoil via kicking…and I knew for certain my visible nearness helped him feel connected–even in the midst of doing anything he could to push me away. Connection is key.

I sat myself down and averted my eyes. I kept Mr N company–quietly and respectfully. I stayed connected and available.  I paused. Okay, so I plugged my ears for awhile, as well. And breathed. And wished for him to calm down SOON so we could move on…

Thirty minutes later (yes, thirty minutes–I had quite the time to PAUSE in that doorway!) as his screams had turned to sobs, I found I could interject (you know, in-between sobs when they try to catch their breath?) “I hear you are working at calming down. When you are ready, we can head back upstairs and try again.” Mr N knew he could have my lap if he wanted (he didn’t), he knew I wouldn’t leave…and I respected his choice to pull himself together ‘on his own.’

Then something magic happened.

Truly magic. Down the stairs came my kitty cat–“Mew, mew, mew.” I swear to you, she came down to check on Mr N and all the commotion–she really was! And I used it: “Yoda kitty! You are worried about Mr N! You are here to see how you can help.” And I picked up my fuzzy little kitty and plunked her in the room with my sobbing little friend. Mr N wrapped his arms around Yoda kitty (Yoda was not one to be snuggled, yet this time? She obliged..) and breathed in her soft fur.

Mr N, “Yoda, I love you. Yoda, I’m sad. Oh, Yoda…” And he totally calmed down. Within a minute or so he said, “I’m ready to go upstairs!” I said, “You worked hard at calming yourself down and Yoda kitty came to help!” Off we went, Lego plane was gathered up and re-built, snacks were had, and all was peaceful. Really!   

Tantrums. They are tough. What worked for me?

Acting as if. Having other eyes a-watching meKnowing that Mr N needed time and space to gather himself and respecting his way of working through it all. Staying near and available. Pausing–maybe not initially, but in the end, my staying near Mr N gave me the gift of a pause so I really could feel calm. And in turn, this gave Mr N the PAUSE he needed to feel the same. Kitty cat included.

There’s my story for you. One of many. Maybe I’ll share the 13-year-old tantrum  of my daughter’s another day. Really, this is a journey we are all on–it is meant for our growth as much as it is our children’s. Respect this. Welcome every challenge and conflict as an opportunity to become a better you. Always appreciate the parts that ARE working for you–for what we focus on grows. Know you have lots of good company along this journey as a parent!

Find Alice’s books here!

Me? I am forever grateful to Yoda kitty. She has managed to change the tune of many upset moments. Mine as well as others! Mr N? He is now 12 and builds incredible Lego planes–he shared the fleet of planes he created recently. You know what he said? “Alice, I don’t care if they look just right anymore. Look what I built, just for fun!” And he was glowing.

That made all the past tantrums worth it.  More about tantrums here: Tantrums! Loud, Giant, Frustrating…

Here’s to more peace in your household!


Author and Parent Coach
©2016 Alice Hanscam

All Your Kids Are Sick…

All the kids are sick. Goopy noses, coughing, crying, can’t sleep, neither can you. You have guests landing at your house soon, are trying to work around what initially seemed like a small remodel of the kitchen, the dog got into the garbage AGAIN, there is no peeling the cling-ons your kids have become off your legs AND you feel exhausted. Overwhelmed. Running on empty. Chaos, yuck, craziness rules the roost. Oh–and remember, you HAVE to go to work, the grocery store, the doctor’s office–probably more than once.

You are feeling awful. Exhausted and overwhelmed. Guilty for letting your kids just do whatever because it is all you can do to manage everyone’s illness and ‘regular’ life. Cereal and treats and videos and sleeping with you and, well, getting whatever they want so your sanity can prevail. Maybe.

And the last thing you want to hear from me is that you really CAN feel steady in all this chaos. Eye-rolls please. It’s okay.

Stay with me, here.

Start by taking a deep, long, breath. Even while you have octopus legs and arms wrapped around you and snotty noses rubbing themselves across your knees.

Let that breath be your much needed PAUSE.

And let me appreciate YOU for a moment, because I know how impossible it is to see through all of this yuck to what really can help you feel a bit steadier, calmer, okay no matter what is swirling around you.

Let me appreciate…

…your resilience. You are still in the game despite (or because of) all this chaos. You don’t feel this resilience I see, yet let me be clear–you have it and are using it. That is WHY you are still in the game.

…your deep care and compassion you have for your kids even as they wipe their noses on you, add 50 pounds of weight to your legs, cry constantly, keep you awake tossing and turning, fight and melt down. It is because of the deep care you have that you are still in the game. Even if “in the game” means hiding under your covers for a while as your kids are plunked in front of a movie.

…how you let go of what seemed like “have tos.” Your ability to let go of a well rounded meal, getting to work on time or at all, having a clean(er) house, your promise to never over-do screen time, getting a real night’s sleep.

This letting go? Yes, it is due to you feeling like you have NO control over any of it, yet I “see” someone who is clear on what needs to be the reality for right now. Someone who, by letting go, has been able to go with the flow a tad more, answer their children’s needs in the moment, stay present to the here and now. All things to appreciate. All things absolutely necessary to moving through the chaos well–in time.

…that retreat into the bathroom with doors locked. Just for a few minutes for the much needed RELIEF you need. You may see it as a retreat, as “I can’t handle this!” I will re-frame it as an essential Self-Care Deposit. A PAUSE that has you more likely stepping out after a few moments with just a tad more patience, resilience, maybe even a creative idea for what can happen next.

…YOUR feelings. All of them. Your guilt, your anxiety, your upset. Let me appreciate these, for I know it is hard for you to do so. We so often feel we are supposed to NOT feel this way. That it means we are, somehow, less of a good parent for being mad, guilty, anxiety ridden. Let me appreciate for you, right now, the whole and wonderful being you are that feeling all these feelings represents. Whole and wonderful.

…your humor! Sarcastic or not, that laugh you had as everything and one melted down around you? It is a gift and a strength. Use it. See it. Find it. A little humor can go a l-o-n-g way when everything else is a mess.

Okay. So you STILL are a wreck and so are your kids. But tell me, how does it feel to be appreciated despite (or because of) all this chaos? Can you really own this appreciation or are you still rolling your eyes at me? No matter, I don’t mind.

I will keep putting these appreciations out to you, for what we focus on grows. Maybe later, after everything settles for real, you will find yourself reflecting on my words. Or maybe you feel a bit relieved right now to know that things really are working in the midst of all the yuck. Either way, I appreciate your work to parent as well as you can through the hard.

And I hope you might feel steadier. Calmer. Stronger-at least a bit. Or just steadier. We can leave it at that. Because what a difference that can make as life swirls around you–to feel steady in the midst of it all. Or steadier for the next round of chaos. What a way to help a child settle more quickly, a Big Upset to be valued and appreciated. What a way to let a little light-hearted-ness step in and step up.

Find Alice’s books here!

So today, I appreciate you. Know this, so you don’t have to work at it yourself. Just move through today and all the challenges thrown your way KNOWING you are appreciated.

That’s all.

Take care,

Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam



PAUSE. Let it work its magic.

I have been asked if a pause can become something that automatically arises “during a moment of heightened stimulus.”

Here are my thoughts and experience…

What we focus on grows. The more we can focus on creating a pause for ourselves when our buttons are pushed (pause in the more basic moments), the stronger our pause muscle gets…and is now far more likely to be called upon sooner and better in those challenging moments with our children; with anyone.

Then, over time and practice, this pause goes deeper–and our lives change. We find we trust more. We let go sooner. We feel steadier and a quiet confidence in all/much of what we do. We no longer need to feel “in control” of another or of a situation.

As a result, those moments of “heightened stimulus?” They don’t feel so heightened any more 🙂. Sometimes they don’t even land on our radar screen. Ultimately, there are fewer and fewer of them because of the ripple out effect our ability to come from a pause has on those around us. Especially our children.

I do think this takes a lot of growth to get to the point of it “simply arising during a moment of heightened stimulus.” Or get to the point of much less “heightened stimuli.” It is more about our ability to recognize the need to pause and then actively doing so that is what is most important. To live from this pause place–calmer, listening more deeply, taking our time, waiting for a bit…

This becomes more natural, it becomes more regular, it becomes part of our physical response to anxiety-provoking stress. And now stress no longer has to feel debilitating. Instead, it is something we can recognize as an important part of what helps us get better, be better…grow. It is a reminder to care for ourselves and another from a place of PAUSE.

Here’s to you today.

If you want more on PAUSE you can check these stories of others PAUSE experiences. Mine, included! Enjoy 🙂

One Papa’s “Alice PAUSE” 

With JOY,
Author and Parent Coach
©2022 Alice Hanscam


Our Children Need to PAUSE, Too

There are two kinds of PAUSE, you know.

So much is being shared about how our children and young adults have such increasingly high anxiety. Depression. “Mis”behavior. Problems.  A real lack of well-being.  Us, too, I believe.  And what keeps coming up more and more is what is needed more of.

Down time. Space. Unscheduled time. Screen-free time.

Play time (again, us, too).


A PAUSE. Because really, that’s what this is all about.

There are two kinds of PAUSE. At least, in the simple way of talking about it. The first kind–what I like to call “PAUSE at its Basic”–is when we are able to take that moment in a heated situation to calm ourselves down. The cool thing is how, each time we succeed and each time we reflect on where we DO pause, even unknowingly, we are exercising and strengthening our PAUSE muscle. For that is what it is, a muscle.

This is the PAUSE you are all most familiar with as you follow me…mostly because you are in the midst of all things KIDS and the chaos and challenges and conflict this brings.  

And there is another kind of PAUSE. I like to call it “taking PAUSE deeper.” It happens when we have been regularly exercising our PAUSE muscle in all those heated moments. We begin to realize we’ve integrated PAUSE into our lives in all kinds of ways, slowing us down a bit, having us feeling steady despite chaos whirling around.  Others comment on our calmer energy or our ability to be strong and steady, or how they feel better around us. We often feel clearer about what we are doing and want to do.

This second kind of PAUSE? THIS is what all of us need more of. Especially our children. It’s a kind of physical and emotional space. Space to muse, play, be bored, think our own thoughts, be present to ourselves, check out a bit, take care of ourselves…you name it–and it all comes down to Unscheduled Time. No matter how briefly.

Here’s what this kind of PAUSE can do; this kind of Unscheduled Time. Especially for our children.

It can…

…help our child experience their feelings–the first step to understanding, processing, and eventually managing them.

…rejuvenate and recharge  our child (and us) after an upsetting or tiring experience.

…help our child learn so much more about themselves–what they like, don’t like, can or cannot do, and more.

…leave our child (and us!) feeling calmer, more centered, ultimately stronger from within. How cool is that?

…allow our kids to think their OWN thoughts. Come up with their OWN ideas. Expand on their imagination and creative selves. All so ever essential for learning all through life, doing well in school, being brain and body healthy. For growing optimally.

…foster the ever-so-important self reflection that allows our child (and us!) to productively move through any difficult experience or stage.

Unscheduled Time even includes a good night’s sleep. The kind that doesn’t include ANY screen time prior to it. The kind that is absolutely essential for our brains to rest and process and be healthy.

Unscheduled Time includes being bored. As a matter of fact, being bored is very important. Because when we give our child the respect of a PAUSE as they complain about “being bored” we actually give them the gift of self-reflection. Imagination. Creativity. Problem solving. Downtime that turns into creative and productive time.

Unscheduled Time means way less adult-directed “intervention” in our child’s play

So HOW do you help a child learn to PAUSE? Both kinds of pausing?

Ideas for you:

Show them, when they are losing it, falling apart, mad and out of control, just what a PAUSE looks like. A time to regroup–maybe in your lap or in their room or somewhere else. A time that is way less about a “punishment” and WAY more about how to take the break necessary to calm down.

Show them that it is their job to PLAY by giving them plenty of time and space to do so. If playing on their own is difficult, then choose open-ended things to play alongside with them–play dough, Lego, coloring, kicking around outside together.

Show them how YOU take breaks. How YOU head into your room to gather yourself and calm down. How you intentionally create even a brief moment of “me time” that gives you the space you need.

Let go of what can seem like “wasted time” as your teen hangs out on their bed at length doing “nothing.”

Let go of trying to direct and control just how your child plays or what they play with and try just noticing how they busy themselves. What a way to show respect for their choices and desires.

Let go of thinking you need to plan every minute of the weekend in order to “keep it all together” or “make sure everyone gets along” or to just feel in control of what otherwise feels like total chaos.

Provide toys of open-ended nature. Blocks. Lego. Dolls. Water play. Sand play. BOOKS. Dress-up clothes. Art supplies (fewer coloring books and way more PAPER). Craft supplies–especially the kind that isn’t set up to make something specific. Just supplies they can dive into, create, get messy.

Go OUT-doors as often and as long as possible. Maybe with them, maybe all by their selves. No need to have a ton of toys and equipment available. Keep it simple. Water. Balls. Bikes. A wagon. Bucket and shovel. Dirt. Sticks. Moss. Running and climbing and building and hiding and rolling and tag and forts and OH so much to do outside!

So many ways to grow that Unscheduled Time. Even when life feels incredibly scheduled due to work, daycare, school, errands. Maybe it’s just not filling the car with digital devices and “things to do” as you run from one thing to the next. Maybe it’s keeping that 20 minutes of time and space between dinner and brushing teeth wide open with no expectations. Maybe it’s thinking ahead and having something set up on the table to entice your kids into their own world of play while you scramble to get dinner going–maybe as simple as scissors and paper. Or (my favorite) play dough. Or a few ingredients for them to have fun mixing together. Maybe it’s making Saturday morning of every weekend a hang out on the floor in jammies morning and just…hanging. No plans. At least, for the kids :-).

Today, PAUSE. Show your child how to PAUSE, as well. Give them the time and space they need in order to grow well. To be healthy, in control of themselves, feeling strong from the inside out. 

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

Let Unscheduled Time become Regular Time in your home.

What a gift to your child AND you.

With JOY and appreciation,


Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam


Noticed, appreciated, and thoroughly enjoyed:

~The dad who calmly and quickly caught up with his toddler who was happily ‘driving’ a hockey stick down the center of the mall. His ability to cheerfully steer her back towards the hockey store, allowing her the opportunity to stay ‘in charge’ of herself was lovely.

What did his calm approach help his daughter learn?

That hockey sticks belong in hockey stores, she is a capable soul, he trusts her to manage herself well. He gave her the opportunity to grow her confident and capable self a little bit more. And he has just increased the chance that she will continue to listen and respond to him on future shopping trips… 🙂


~The mom in the post-office giving her school-age kids the job of mailing packages. Despite a mile long line and puddles of melting snow to navigate, these kids were focused, curious, listening, and absorbing as they navigated questions, weighing, address corrections, postage, payments. Mom?

Her calm and patient presence ‘spoke’ volumes:

“You two are capable; I have confidence in you; here’s how the post office works…”  So much learning to be had! And essential as our children grow–their learning to navigate the world and manage themselves positively and productively within it. Lovely.

~Two brothers, ages 3 and 5, were totally, completely immersed in books at a local grocery store.

The 5-year-old was sprawled on his tummy in the book aisle of the toy section, knees bent, feet banging away at his backside, book opened on the floor right under his nose. Brother was sitting upright and leaning against his brother, pouring over his book, talking his way through each page. Now and again they each paused to check out what the other was studying…

Their parent? On another aisle nearby. I watched for over 5 minutes, soaking up the two-some, appreciating how their mom gave them the time and space to absorb good books, appreciating how she knew she could count on how her boys handled themselves. And SHE probably was appreciating the bit of time this gave her to focus on HER shopping!

In this brief span of time, so much was nurtured–positive

sibling relationships, confidence, self-regulation, trust, focused attention, imagination, the love of books…


So much learning!  Our calm, patient, cheerful presence speaks volumes to our children. And it feels good to us, as well.  Now we can make the most of all the “little” moments through out the day that, over time, become the very BIG things. Truly relationship-building

Find Alice’s books here!

Just think about how each of these “little moments” helps our children learn so much more about our world and how to be in it. These little moments? They count. Hugely.

With JOY and appreciation,
Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

Migraines, Laundry, and a PAUSE

A story for you.

A story shared with permission from a follower who paused and discovered more than she ever imagined. Let it put a smile on your face as it encourages and inspires you to keep exercising your PAUSE muscle…

I paused today, and it was transformative. I’ve fought a migraine for most of today, and all I wanted to do was get through pre-bedtime and bedtime with my three-year-old twins with minimal yelling and power struggles. I had told them that I had a headache and asked for their cooperation. Everything was going relatively smoothly, until…

…I came back upstairs from cleaning up the kitchen to find all of the clothes from their hamper upended on the floor of their room, and they were both pouring the water from their bottles onto the pile. I was LIVID. I forced myself to PAUSE, to remain calm, and that’s when I noticed they were both beaming. I asked, as quietly as I could, what they were doing.

My daughter’s answer: “Mama has a headache so we’re helping. We’re washing our own clothes. Now Mama doesn’t need to do laundry!”

What a smile this put on this Mama’s face and heart! What could have been a major meltdown on everyone’s part changed instead into a moment of real and meaningful connection–and a bedtime that followed smoothly. All because of her PAUSE. Transformational, indeed.

Her PAUSE allowed her to see the caring, compassionate little girls she was actively growing. It allowed her a moment of complete disbelief and then joy in a circumstance that, quite honestly, could have any one of us pushed over the edge. This mama, by her moment of pausing, deposited--in magnificent ways--into her relationship with her daughters. It deposited magnificently into their confident, capable, competent little souls.

HOW did she PAUSE?

Here is what she said:

“Pausing doesn’t come naturally to me. I literally had to slow my breathing down and clench and un-clench my hands to get my self to remain silent for a minute. I’m a work in progress for sure!”

And I just had to reply…for we are ALL a “work in progress!”

Here is what I told her:

“You’ve just discovered’ a way to create a PAUSE that works for you–THIS is fantastic. Clenching and un-clenching your hands–a physical action that had you able to stop and calm down. And keep in mind, there is no end goal…we are always a work in progress . Now you have a way that works that you can exercise again and again…and I encourage you to keep on noticing other ways you already are growing that pause muscle…other ways you have been successful at focusing first on yourself and finding that calm within in.”

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

A “simple” PAUSE can be and often is transformational. In little and then in quite tremendous and meaningful ways.

THIS can be your story. Let it be your story.


Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

All Things Respectful To Baby

A story for you…

A Mama, Papa, and 5-month-old baby. Baby tucked in her car seat on her stroller (in a public place) with a rather large and colorful stuffed octopus hanging from the handle in front of her. Mama sitting next to Baby, talking on her cell and awaiting the food her husband was getting.  

Baby straining her head side to side, doing everything she was capable of to avoid Mr. Octopus. Fussing followed. Back arching beginning. Mama, noticing the fussing and back arching, pushed Mr. Octopus aside and lifted Baby out and onto her lap. Baby calmed…settled…

Food arrived. Baby gets tucked back into her car seat and Mama smiles at her and hands her the scrunched up paper bag the food came in. Baby delights in it!  Two chubby hands come together to explore this wonderful, plain, crunchy sounding ball of paper. Smiles and leg kicking!  Then…over the side and onto the floor goes the bag. Baby strains to find it…

Mama notices…but leaves the bag on the floor and plops Mr. Octopus back in front of Baby. Baby immediately fusses, arches, looks anywhere but at Mr. Octopus. Now Papa comes to the rescue…and Baby comes back out and onto a lap and settles…

Why am I sharing this story? Mostly because of the subtleties of All Things Respectful to Baby.

We so often miss just what our babies are trying to communicate–perhaps because we are distracted, busy, or because we really don’t know what they’re trying to say to us, or because, well, we are just plain exhausted.

And really, these moments fill our days and ultimately add up to make a real difference in our relationships–and in making our job as parents easier. These little moments that seem inconsequential create, over time, the foundation and relationships we ultimately want.

The little moments in this story that I truly appreciated…

…the lap time Baby received. Being out of the car seat or any other restraint when-ever possible means more freedom of movement, more of the essential touching our babies need, more connection with important-to-them-adults. 

…the smiles and bits of talking she enjoyed from her Mama and Papa.  Lovely moments of real and meaningful connection.

…the simplicity of a paper bag capturing her full attention!  Simple, accessible, every-day items become rich playthings for our little ones.

These are important for connecting with Baby and strengthening the bond that is so essential for growing and living well.

What could have been different?

Noticing the struggle Baby had with Mr. Octopus and then respecting it by…

…Letting Baby know, “You are done with Mr. Octopus. Let’s move him out of the way…”

…Pausing and noticing how Baby might now respond to having this toy that she was done with respectfully removed.

…Asking, “Would you like to come out and sit on my lap?” prior to hauling her out.

…Retrieving the wonderful scrunchy paper bag that she delighted in and offering it back up.

…Recognizing how the simpler an item is the more a Baby can attend to it and enjoy it.

How can this make a difference?

Mama and Papa would learn a bit more about what makes Baby tick–making their job at parenting just a bit easier.

Baby would learn a bit more about how she feels, what she likes, that she can trust her parents to understand and answer her needs. The subtle yet powerful connection that results can leave Baby calmer and feeling safer–and therefore more content.

Mama and Papa can feel the subtle yet powerful confidence in understanding and knowing a bit more about who their daughter is–less guessing and more clarity in what works to best help their little one. What a way to deposit into a healthy, solid, positive relationship. What a way to grow the trust and respect necessary for leading healthy lives.

Small moments. Seemingly inconsequential.

Yet when we can become more intentional in how we interact from a respectful place starting with our babies, what a difference this makes through the years.

And the more we can do this, the less of a big deal it is when we ARE overwhelmed, exhausted, and unable to do anything other than haul our baby out or plunk the offending toy back in front of them…

Find Alice’s books here!

Look for the small moments todayBe intentional with how you notice and decide to respond. They add up and can make a real and positive difference for you, for your child, for your relationships. It’s in the small moments where we can, over time, make the most difference and the biggest impact. Really.

With JOY and appreciation,


Author and Parent Coach

©2017 Alice Hanscam

Round and Round You Go

Negotiating–constantly, tirelessly, endlessly.  Ever so exhausting.

Or maybe it is the incredible and endless array of ideas your child has to wiggle out of something or do something or get something.

Perhaps it’s The Last Word and the struggle to HAVE the last word, since of course you are the adult.  And it’s exhausting, feeling totally at the end of your rope with this constantly escalating “last word” game you play with your child.

Or maybe, just maybe, you are secretly proud of how your child demonstrates all the future skills of a lawyer. We were with ours . Until frustration and exhaustion over-rode that bit of pride…

Or all those amazing ideas? You really appreciate how creatively your child wiggles out of taking responsibility for something or gets something out of you or manages to do just what it is they wanted. Pretty cool skill of theirs. Admiration fills you…alongside the irritation, concern, wondering if really you just didn’t give in and maybe you shouldn’t have…

And really, you’d LIKE to have your child listen to your “no” the first time. Or stop already with getting in the last word. Or realize–PLEASE–that those creative ideas just aren’t going to work. EVER.

Over the last couple of days I’ve had several parents end up in tears as they shared all of the above with me. Tears because they recognize they are at a total loss as how to encourage the creativity and still be clear on boundaries. Tears because they really, really don’t like ending up in a yelling match with their future-lawyer-child.

Tears because they felt like failures as parents.


Failures because they really didn’t know how to balance the creativity, the endless negotiating, the fights over the last word with the calm, respectful, clear-with-expectations-and-follow-through they intuitively knew their child needed.

Failures because they really didn’t know how to be calm, respectful, clear AND allow creative ideas, big feelings, anger, persistence, etal to have their place. I truly hope they walked away from our brief time together feeling a bit of relief, calmer, and definitely more confident in themselves.

I believe it all comes down to PAUSE. 

I know, that seems overly simple, but stay with me, here.

With a strong pause muscle you can now give yourself the moment to take a deep breath. To consider the strengths you CAN appreciate about the incredibly annoying behavior.

To see how these can be encouraged and guided so that future adult you imagine has all these skills AND the self-control, compassion, ability to truly collaborate and create with others.

To more thoughtfully and intentionally decide just what step you do want to take right now, in this moment. Even if it becomes one that clearly doesn’t work. At least you’ve now done it from a place of intention rather than just reacting–and that speaks volumes of respect to a child.

And a PAUSE allows you to tap into that inner confidence and strength you DO have and often gets lost in the overwhelming nature of parenting. It allows you to show yourself the care and compassion necessary as you make mistakes, work exceptionally hard, wish for do-overs on a daily basis. What a way to role model for your kids the essential self-care we all need in order to live well. Show yourself care and compassion–and by doing so, you are teaching your child to do the same.

Pausing can help you relax a bit. To more likely allow your child’s ideas and feelings FIRST, and then show them just what it is they can expect. To follow through with the “no” you said, to ignore their “last word” because by you just trying to get in the last word, you are role modeling the very thing you don’t want to see in them (now that was a lesson hard for me to learn!).

With a strengthened pause muscle, calm connection starts leading the way.


Now when you still have absolutely no clue as what to do, you are still communicating, “We will figure this out.”  What an important message for a child to hear–that no matter how confusing, overwhelming, scary it is, “We will figure this out.”

With a pause leading the way, YOU have an opportunity to figure things out for you. To find the answers, guidance, advice, knowledge necessary to take steps to guide your child well. To forgive yourself as you stumble along this never-slowing-down journey with your kids.

And remember. All of this parenting, growth, and learning? It takes time. It is a process. A process filled with angst, joy, do-overs, support, relief, delight. Never perfect. Always a roller-coaster. Totally worth it. And so are you. It is OKAY to struggle. Let a pause be a bit of self-care.Let your struggle be the opportunity to role model for your child just what you do with struggle. Know your struggle is because you are in the midst of real learning. Just like your child.

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

Here’s to all of you lost in the incredible negotiation skills of your child; fighting over the last word; buried in all the creative ideas that leave you wondering how your child managed to get out of or do or get something that you never intended. You have LOTS of company!

With JOY and appreciation,

Author and Parent Coach
©2018 Alice Hanscam

Respectful Mama and Papa Moments

Respectful mama and papa moments truly appreciated:


~ The mama of a 13-month-old working hard at climbing up a ladder to reach the top of a slide. Young Toddler was quite focused on placing his feet with care, practicing up and down motions with each leg on each ladder rung, pausing to take in other kids’ antics around him, then back to navigating the steep upward climb he was on. This mama? She stayed quietly behind him, never interrupting, always watchful. She gave him his space to navigate on his own time. And when he reached the top? Oh his JOY over his accomplishment! And it was HIS accomplishment. Mama’s eyes twinkled at mine, for I was happily watching from the other side. Her respect shown to her young toddler to do his own work at his own pace spoke volumes to this little guy.

~The mama with a 3-year-old who has decided dogs make him quite worried…any dog, any size. Her calm self offering up her arms as he decides a dog is too close to him (this includes the ones 50-feet away and on a leash walking the opposite direction ), her soothing words as she names his worry, her respect for how long he needs to be close to her and when he decides he is ready to move away on his own. Quiet, calm, affirming…respectful.

~The papa of a 9-month-old baby in the midst of meeting many new folk always asking his little one first whether she was ready for Grandma, for Auntie, for another to hold her...and respecting her response as she either clung more tightly to papa or leaned out to the new person. Asking first, observing with care, describing what he saw, “You aren’t ready for Susan to hold you” or “You’d like to see Uncle Charlie!”, and then respecting his little one by holding her longer, or passing her over–always staying near and ready to receive her right back as needed. What a way to communicate “your feelings are valued and important…” So truly respectful.

~The mama in the hardware store who let her 5-year-old use her as the hiding place from which to play peek-a-boo and “You can’t see me!” game with another adult (me). As the rambunctiousness ramped up (yes, I really did slow down my game as she ramped up!), mama so respectfully got down next to her daughter, put her hands on her shoulders and told her in a quiet voice that it was time to settle down. Calm, gentle, quiet, yet firm. Respectful. Now the little girl and I just flashed grins at each other…letting our game go 

~The parents of a kindergartner who have intentionally chosen to parent entirely differently from how they were each brought up. They both decided that “Because I TOLD you so” would not be in their vocabulary for it was always hurtful to them as they grew up in their respective households…and instead to state gently to the ever-negotiating 5-year-old, “Because I’ve asked you to…”  What a simple change of words that expresses such respect. Lovely.

Find Alice’s books here!

What have you noticed and appreciated of recent? How has PAUSE helped YOU to connect with your child from a calm, connected, respectful place? Give PAUSE a try today…it really can work wonders.

With JOY and appreciation,

Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

I NEED This Fight!

Because someone I care about very much is having a difficult time sorting out all that his 16-year-old is throwing at him, I share this link and my thoughts and response with the hopes that it can help–him and perhaps many of you.

I want him to do what he can for himself that calms him, gives him confidence, patience, and trust in this very painful process he’s in. It will take time, this anger she’s throwing at him and life. Time and his daughter being able to count on HIM to be steady, calm, consistent, caring.  Time. Just as it will for each of you, if you find yourself in the midst of this kind of angst with your child. Teen OR toddler and on.   

“The letter your teenager can’t write you”

“This fight we are in right now. I need it. I need this fight. I can’t tell you this because I don’t have the language for it and it wouldn’t make sense anyway. But I need this fight. Badly. I need to hate you right now and I need you to survive it. I need you to survive my hating you and you hating me.”  © 2015 Gretchen L Schmelzer

Alice’s take:

EXCELLENT letter and one that is as pertinent for teens as it is for toddlers.

When we can provide the safe place for our kids of ANY age to “bang around” in as they sort themselves out, FEEL, discover, experience, then our kids truly can learn and grow. And our relationships can be that much healthier and more connected. WE can be seen (perhaps in time…) as the resource we’d like to be for our kids.

They NEED the fightThe tantrum. The test-test-testing.

And it is absolutely essential that we (more often than not, since really, this is all about tipping the balance rather

than being perfect…) pass their test.


How does this look?

Pausing. Whether for a brief moment or hours…

Calming ourselves as best we can. Breathe? Focus on a brief task? Telling yourself “I can do this…this too shall pass…”? Encouraging self talk. It can do wonders.

Getting clear on just what it is we want the most–-whether it is to just get out the door in one piece and hopefully with all necessary parts stuffed in the backpacks, a relationship that feels strong and healthy, or our child feeling that much more competent and capable…

Then stepping BACK in and responding to our child from this calmer and clearer place. Responding rather than reacting. Essential. And it is less about what you then say or do and WAY more about HOW you say and  do it. Calmly. With connection. Respectfully.

Now our child can feel heard. Understood. Safe and secure. Our child can feel respected–because of feeling heard AND because we have more likely honored their choice by calmly following through with the results of their choice. Even if it is still a NO. When we’ve taken the moment to gather ourselves and respond instead of react, our NO is received more productively (even if it is still LOUD and upset…).

Or maybe it isn’t about NO.

Maybe it is about giving a safe place for your very upset and angry teen to unload, to know they can “empty their bucket” entirely because you are calm and listening. No decisions, consequences, answers. Just the safe place to feel and eventually process. Then maybe you can come back together, explore all that came pouring out, ask questions, and truly collaborate.

“I am relying entirely on your ability to stay in this fight. No matter how much I argue. No matter how much I sulk. No matter how silent I get.”  (Gretchen L Schmelzer)

Our children need to KNOW, without a doubt,

that they can count on us to keep it together even

(and most especially) when they cannot.


Now that is powerful.

So today, PAUSE. Know that you CAN be the steady, safe place for your child to bang around in and sort things out. Trust this. Keep your attention on the kind of future adult and relationship with your child you want the most. Because what we focus on grows.

Find Alice’s books here!

Know that my books can be a real and positive resource for you as you struggle and know that your struggle is as essential as your child’s need to test and fight .

Thank you to Gretchen Schmelzer (www.gretchenschmelzer.com) for a fabulous write-up. Here’s to the dad and 16-year-old I care about very much…

Respectfully and hopefully,


Author and Parent Coach

©2017 Alice Hanscam

The Challenge of Parenting

The challenge of parenting?  It doesn’t come with a “How To” manual.

It DOES come with an incredible mixture of joy, confusion, self-doubt, FRUSTRATION, chaos, pride, exhaustion, adventure, “NOW what?” “How do I…” “STOP IT” “I just don’t know…” “I’m scared.” “Why won’t they…” “WOW…”

It comes with eye-rolling, BIG feelings (yours and theirs!), tumultuous times, even-keeled times, in-between times. It can come with judgment, acceptance, guilt, real and meaningful connection, no sleep, too much sleep if you have a teen-ager, and joy–did I mention JOY?

What a journey! And it requires US to grow. To become increasingly better at managing OUR feelings so our children can manage theirs. To become clearer in just what we are wanting for our kids…our future adults…our relationships. It requires us to let go, go with the flow, stick to our promises made, do the hard AND the fun of all of it.

Three resources of mine that can really help you figure out just HOW TO do this parenting deal well include “Parenting Through Relationship”, PAUSE: The Power of Parenting (and Living) with Calm Connection” and “Parenting Inspired; Finding Grace in the Chaos, Confidence in Yourself, and Gentle Joy along the Way.”

Know that can be successfully absorbed in the brief bits of time you actually have, include stories of parents JUST LIKE YOU, have practical and simple steps that help YOU parent well, and my own stories and words of wisdom gleaned through the years woven throughout.

Know that these books can and will bring you relief, laughter, encouragement and yes, even inspire you to do the hard work of creating the change you really want.

The cool thing is…they are all about YOU. No advice, no “you should”, no one way only. Because parenting? Though there are hard and fast “rules” such as developmental stages our children go through, what works for one may be and often is entirely different from what works for the next. Both in regards to your kids AND each of us as parents.

Find Alice’s books here!

Know that my books are way more about discovering what IS working for you, what YOUR strengths and abilities are, what works with YOUR child and in YOUR family…and culture…and…

Check them out.

Make it great today. YOU and your kids are worth all the hard work you are doing. Keep it up and know you have lots of company!

With JOY and appreciation,
Author and Parent Coach

With Gratitude

Thanksgiving. Gratefulness. They go together, don’t they?

And yet gratefulness can so often be defined by loss and sadness. Perhaps that is why we feel the grateful well up inside us…

I’m thinking of any and all loss due to storms, fires, tragic events. I’m thinking Mister Rogers, almost daily right now as fires rage in areas not far from many I know and love. Because Mister Rogers? He spoke always of looking for the helpers. 

And it is in looking for the helpers that our deeply felt gratefulness arises. For it is the helpers who take what has been total loss, overwhelming grief, you name it, and given all of it a safe place to be felt, processed, managed, and–hopefully and in time–moved through.

It is looking for and finding all those who, no matter the tragedy and loss surrounding them, are rolling up their sleeves, reaching out, helping. Maybe through seemingly little things such as providing shelter for someone’s pets as they scramble to also find housing for their family…

Maybe by providing dry socks and underwear. Or a solid meal. Water. A hug. Maybe they are making the calls the ones hit by tragedy are unable to.

Perhaps those helpers are the ones physically present to the broken-hearted and overwhelmed and are ***just*** listening. Being there. Walking alongside. Encouraging when possible. Keeping company for sure.

Perhaps it is those willing to go back “in” to where things happened and find personal items for those who can’t. Or dig up all the extra blankets and books and clothing needed and making sure they get handed out to those who need them the most.

Definitely the helpers are the front-liners–firefighters, medical professionals, police, EMTs, search and rescue folks, the Red Cross…oh so many.

Looking for and BEING a helper

fills us with the relief, gratitude, compassion that makes a real and positive and meaningful difference to all.


This Thanksgiving? Every day? I am grateful to each and every one of you who are reaching out to help anyone in your life or community who is in need. We really can make a real difference in our world by doing just this. Little ways. Big ways. No matter. Just DOING.

Make your Thanksgiving full of gratitude. Maybe defined by loss and sadness, maybe one full of joy. Maybe both. What we focus on grows and GRATITUDE is powerful.

Find Alice’s books here!

May you each have time with those you love in the next few days…

With gratitude,


Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

Let’s Take Care of Each Other

“You touched my soul and reminded me about what this country is all about and why it is so great. Let’s stop screaming at each other. Let’s just take care of each other. You made my day.”  General Colin Powell, former Secretary of State.
Recently General Powell, upon responding to the gentleman who stopped to help him during a road side flat tire, spoke to how great we CAN be. Yes, he was speaking in regards to the USA, and I’d like to take it further.
Much further. 
It struck me, “Let’s just take care of each other.”  It seems to me this is spectacularly simple and absolutely essential. And it begins with each of us. There are many levels to what he has said. And it certainly pertains to our world, all our communities, everyone.
Taking care of ourselves. 
Taking care of our children.
Taking care of how we think, feel, act.
Taking care with our words.
Taking care of our environment.
Taking care of our world.

“Let’s just take care of each other.”  Then there is his first phrase, “Let’s stop screaming at each other.”

Oh YES. Again, in all ways. From the top down and the bottom up. Yet really, if we want our leaders and communities and ourselves to STOP screaming, to be calmer, to listen, to truly demonstrate “taking care…” then we need to do one very simple thing, first and foremost.

PAUSE. Always, always a PAUSE.     

It begins with each and every one of US, this difference we can make for our world. It begins with a PAUSE.


A PAUSE that allows us to take a breath in a heated situation. To calm ourselves, even a bit. To consider with care just what it is we want the most–and I mean in the big picture, including and most especially as parents. The big picture takes you out of the heat of the moment–out of “I just want my child to BEHAVE!” and into just what that translates to as you see yourself successfully parenting a child towards a responsible, self-directed adulthood. Because often it isn’t about behaving a certain way in the moment..

It is about helping our children to learn to manage themselves in the long term in order to navigate life in healthy, affirming, productive, considerate, contributing ways, and building healthy relationships along the way.

That’s a whole other article and I’ve written plenty along those lines. Just peruse my blog and you’ll discover oh so much. Let’s step back to where we were, PAUSING, calming, considering with care all that our child (or world) has presented us with.
To consider just what we want the MOST for our child to learn in whatever the situation is that is pushing our button.
To consider just what WE need to say and do to respectfully and with care help them along this process learning is.
To then step in and respond, calmly, considerately, with CARE.  Leave the screaming behind. Respond instead of react. What a way to communicate respect. What a way to demonstrate taking care of each other. What a way to touch another’s soul.
It requires us to focus on our selves, first and foremost. To truly be inner directed and outer focused. Inner directed coming from the steady, centered place from within. Outer focused meaning taking that steady, centered soul and extending outward to those around us, to touch another.
Just like the gentleman who stopped to help General Powell.
Just like the kind person in the grocery store who saw you were frazzled and let you in line ahead of her.
Just like the stranger who ran to rescue your child’s special blankey that blew away because your hands were full. Or just because.
Just like the neighbor who showed up at your doorstep with a plate of warm cookies and a welcoming smile.
Just like when you PAUSE in your day to accommodate your child’s need for a lap and a snuggle.
Just like...you fill in the blank.
This “taking care of each other?” It is all around us. Every single day. Everywhere you go. And remember, what you focus on, grows. You *just* have to look for it. Look around with appreciative eyes. Notice the kindness, the good, the courageous, the helping, the willingness, the twinkles, the JOY, the raw feelings shared, the opportunities that are always there to “take care” of another. To BE a helper, even if it is just how you think encouraging thoughts or sit silently with another in their grief, not knowing what to say.
Now consider the RESPECT that is now communicated. When we PAUSE, calm, reflect, respond; when we take care of ourselves, and intentionally care for others–we are communicating a deep care and RESPECT for all.
And when we can take care, be calm, connect from this respectful place, so many good things unfold. Productive things. Collaborative, cooperative, energizing things. Things that feel right, good, whole. Things that feel like GROWTH.
PAUSE. The cool thing? As we continue to get an overwhelming amount of opportunity to practice doing just this, we strengthen our pause muscle to the point where we have taken it deeper.

Now we CAN live from the steady, centered, inner-directed

place that allows us to influence and impact our children, world, all our relationships in life affirming ways.

Life affirming.
It struck me, “Let’s just take care of each other.”  It seems to me this is spectacularly simple and absolutely essential. Today, take care of YOU so you can take care of and take care with others around you. 

Find Alice’s books here!

Touch someone’s soul.

Author and Parent Coach
©2019 Alice Hanscam

Oh, the FUN!

A story to (hopefully!) delight you as much as it did me:


Two little boys, ages Nearly Six and Three. Exploring a wooded lot in our neighborhood with their parents (hoping to buy and build). Me, walking nearby.

ZOOM come the boys, screeching to a halt in front of me.   
Mr. Nearly Six: “HI!!!!!!!!”
Me: “HI!”
Mr. Nearly Six: “Seethathillupthere??? WeranALLthewaytothetopandcameZOOMINGbackdown. Wannasee?”
Mr. Three: “ROAAAAAAR!” (With hands up like a fierce tiger ready to attack.)
Me: “You ran ALL the way up that hill? And FAST on down? (And to Mr. Three–WOW you can ROAR just like a tiger!)”
Mr. Nearly Six: “Yes! WannaSee? WATCH ME!”
And off the boys sped, arms and legs pumping as they sped up up up the hill and then ZOOMED down to come, once again, screeching to a stop in front of me.
“ROAAAAARRRRRR!” went Mr. Three.
“Didyouseeus, didyouseeus?” asked Mr. Nearly Six.
Oh, YES, I did! You went ALL the way up to the top of that hill and came zooming down!
And off the boys went. I share because of how much this put a smile on my face and heart :-). Two boys, doing just what a 3 and nearly 6 ought to be doing–outside, roaring, speeding, eventually digging and marching and collecting and squishing in the mud…their eyes a-sparkling, chattering and roaring and exploring.
The parents? I so appreciated how they, too, were enjoying how their boys were playing. No “Be nice, don’t roar, say hi…” etc. Nope, they knew what Threes did. They understood Nearly Sixes. And they saw that their boys were managing their selves in just-right-ways.
They shared their intent to find a place to live that allowed their children to grow up exploring as much of the natural world as possible–sticks and mud and trees. Forts and creeks and holes to dig. Critters and plants and flowers and vegetables. Less technology. More natural world. THIS I truly appreciated and let them know the gift to their boys this intent is.
They refrained from interrupting their boys’ explorations. They erred on quiet and watching–exactly right as these two pretended, created, imagined, exerted, and experienced their parents’ confidence in their ability to manage themselves.
And manage they did. From the ROAAARRRRS of Mister Three (oh, so exactly right for a preschooler!) to the ZOOMNG of Mister Nearly Six.
Time for me to move on with my walk…
“BYE!” with huge arm waves from Mister Nearly Six.
Find Alice’s books here!

“ROOAAAARRRR!” with claws up from Mister Three.   

And off we went, our separate ways.
Enjoy your day today! I am.
Author and Parent Coach
©2020 Alice Hanscam

Tumultuous Teen Turmoil

Door slamming. Talking back. The Last Word Battle. Tears and screaming and I Hate Yous. Sometimes right in your face…

Respectful parenting and the teen years? I have to admit, I floundered. A lot. As my eldest went through the inevitable growth phases that felt VERY TUMULTUOUS, I became as reactive as she.

Not very pretty. Certainly not very respectful. And definitely not very productive.

What worked? Pausing.

Yes, you hear about this from me all the time--because it works. Almost magically, sometimes surprising, and always helpful. Always.  I learned to create that space I needed to focus first on myself to calm down a bit–and sometimes that meant heading downstairs to unload on my husband (and maybe sending HIM up, first); or sometimes turning my back and heading into the kitchen to swipe at the counter–only a brief moment, but that’s all it took to give me the second I needed to breathe. The second to PAUSE.        

And what those moments REALLY allowed me to do was think about that future adult I was intending on sending off to college and into the world–and in not too many years–and what I “saw” was an amazing young woman, independent, active, smart, involved, creative, adventurous, responsible for herself, respectful of and kind to others. I also “saw” a way-cool future adult who WANTED to come back and spend time with me. To play games, cook and eat good food, go exploring, hang out and talk and talk and talk.

What a difference this made as I stepped back into the fray of all the door slamming, talking back, the battle for the last word.  It meant when I stepped back in, I was better at listening. At saying, “Tell me more.” My daughter felt my calmer presence. She felt heard because I listened better. Not great, but better. I discovered a bit more ability to let go of trying to control everything and instead collaborate. My daughter was more likely willing to compromise.

We certainly both felt a bit more connected. And she definitely felt respected. For I had listened. And considered my response. She was then better able to accept my “No” (if it was still a no) with grumbles rather than door slamming. Now THAT felt much better! And all that door slamming, talking back, and battle for the last word? It dissipated…

Some ideas for YOU as you are caught up with a teen in a tumultuous stage include:

“I hear you. I need time to think about it and then I will get back to you.” And you DO get back to them. Respectful all the way around, for they feel your consideration of whatever their issue is–and that feels GOOD.

“Wow. This is really really upsetting you. Tell me more…”   ‘Tell me more’ creates a PAUSE…and let’s your teen empty their bucket a bit more, creating a far more respectful space to listen.

“This homework is really stressing you out. Can you take a break from it right now?” Or maybe, “Is there something I can do to help?” or “What would help you get through all of it in time?”

“What do YOU need in order to feel better? Let me know if I can help…”

“You know, I really don’t like your tone of voice, it upsets me. I would be happy to listen to you when you can use a more respectful voice. Let me know…”  Then you turn your attention elsewhere–maybe to do a bit of self-care because you are feeling upset.

We are ALL too upset to sort this out. Let’s re-convene this afternoon and talk then…”

“Man. This really bothers you deep down, doesn’t it? It is really hard and I KNOW we can figure this out…”  What a relief for a teen to hear, in the midst of turmoil, that YES, we can figure it out. Maybe we don’t know how, yet, but we will. What a comfort that can be.

Respectful ways to interact in the midst of Teen Turmoil. Now you are more likely to create (re) connection. A calm space. More likely talking together–maybe following the door slamming and angry words, but talking none-the-less. The PAUSE I encourage you to strengthen? It allows us to slow down and create this calmer space. And teens, more than ever, they need us to slow down, for now they can feel heard and respected. And when a teen feels heard and respected, it can be surprising the cooperation, compromise, positive dialogue that follows. Truly relationship-building. Truly respectful.

So no matter the age of your child, when you hit those bumpy, tumultuous, button-pushing, testing times–

PAUSE. Get calm and clear. Respond instead of react. Let go of knowing exactly what you might need to do or say and instead let PAUSE and the power of calm connection lead the way.

And remember, mistakes are opportunities for do-overs and authentic apologies. Growth is just that, growth. How else could we possibly get better and better without the practice of messing up?! PAUSE, first and foremost. Deposit into your Self-Care Account. Be clear on the qualities of that future adult you see in your minds-eye. Trust the process. And always, always look to where you notice all that IS working, going well or better, feeling right and good. Notice the bits and pieces of that way cool future adult showing up right now in your child. What we focus on grows.

Find Alice’s books here!

If you liked this article, here’s another you might enjoy: https://www.justaskalice.org/2018/06/24/our-response-matters/

Parenting respectfully through the years…

Author of “Parenting Inspired” and “PAUSE: The Power of Parenting (and Living) with Calm Connection”
PCI Certified Parent Coach® and ScreamFree Certified Leader
©2017 Alice Hanscam

To Rescue or not to Rescue…

What would YOU do if…

...your newly mobile baby was seemingly stuck under the chair she just rolled and maneuvered herself under–fussing a bit and looking at you with pleading and slightly tear-filled eyes–soon to ramp up out of sheer frustration?

…your 8-year-old came home from school in tears–devastated because he wasn’t invited to his friend’s birthday party? Or allowed to play the tag game on the playground? Or was told he couldn’t sit with his buddies at the lunch table? Ouch. Friends. They can be tough at times…

…your preschooler was struggling extra hard at building with Lego to the point of throwing it or a tantrum or BEGGING you to “do it for MEEEEE”…or frustrated up the gazoo that their drawing just didn’t LOOK like the airplane they wanted and could YOU PLEASE draw it for them…? And if you don’t, then you’ll definitely have a full-blown melt-down to deal with?

...your teen was totally upset and a total mess about the totally UNFAIR grade she got on her project that she worked and worked and worked on–the teacher was so UNFAIR!  AND it totally affects her final grade….

…your toddler keeps on hitting you when he doesn’t like you stopping him or saying no to him or changing his diaper or buckling him into his car seat…? Or maybe keeps on pulling all the stuff out of the cupboards that you keep telling him NO to or cleaning up and putting away to just have him dump it all again…and again…?

I’d venture to say you would step into the mode of taking charge and fixing whatever problem your child was caught up in…because, hey, that’s what we DO. We solve problems and we are really good at it. And it is our job, right?

Maybe you would…

…quickly move the chair and rescue your baby and, of course, comfort her.

…tell your 8-year-old how unkind THOSE friends are and “Let’s make new ones or that he can choose not to invite those friends to HIS birthday party or that’s okay, you and I will do something special that day or hey, I’ll join you at lunch and help you let your friends know you CAN sit with them…or I’ll talk to your teachers, so don’t worry…all will be good and you can stop feeling so devastated…”

…just draw the picture for your preschooler or sit down and build for them what they want with Lego--or at least direct them each step of the way. Better then having them freak out, right? Maybe they’ll even keep on drawing and building and you’ll get a bit more peace and quiet. Maybe.

…call or email or text your teen’s teacher and let the teacher know how hard your child worked and really, couldn’t that grade be a bit higher? Or ask what you could do for your child to get a better grade…or complain about how there really wasn’t enough time for your teen to do the job as well as she could and that’s unfair…

…try getting equally mad at your toddler or get a bit more hurried as you rush through very unpleasant diaper changes and car-seat buckling. Or maybe you’d punish them by plunking them in their crib and telling them they have to stop or they’ll have to stay put for a while. Or maybe you just end up slapping their hand (never do I recommend) or throwing up YOUR hands…ANYTHING to get them to stop. And keep the stuff in the cupboard. Talk about a power struggle…

You might. Because we like to solve the problems. It’s in our nature. Yet consider this–consider another layer as to why we solve these problems.

It makes US feel better.

Whew, our child is no longer so upset or sad. Relief!  WE feel like a good parent when our child gets good grades. WE feel in control and in charge and (again) a good parent when our child behaves, listens, chooses “right” behavior. We are communicating, “I need YOU to behave so I can feel like I’m doing my job well…”

When we step in regularly to solve our child’s

problem we are often robbing them of an opportunity to grow their capable and competent selves a bit more.


What do they hear? “You need ME in order to manage your body, your feelings, to be a good student, well behaved, popular with friends, able to be happy…” “You need ME in order to be in control of your SELF.”

Probably not what any of us really intend. Because really, it just says, I don’t think you are a capable, competent soul.”

Fast forward to sending them off into the world.  If all along we’ve taken responsibility for solving all those little and then big things that seem to be problems, how will they know how to do it for themselves? How can they possibly feel capable and competent on their own if they’ve heard from us on a regular basis that they need US in order to be so?

Let’s tip the balance another way. Let’s recognize that YES there are times solving is essential. And YES, way more often we can…

PAUSE and consider how we can walk

alongside our child to help them take charge of themselves,

to feel competent and capable, to know they can work at solving their own problems and managing all their feelings.


Let’s get down next to our baby and acknowledge the STUCK and encourage them out. Then maybe nudge the chair a bit. Help them help themselves. Name how they are feeling. This is key.  

Let’s affirm our 8-year-old’s intensely hurt feelings and sit with them a bit or at length. Let’s ask them what they’d like to do. Let’s brainstorm with them if they need ideas. And then BE there. For that’s what they really need–company that feels safe and secure and comforting. Now they can better manage all the upset. And yes, it takes time.

Let’s acknowledge our preschooler’s frustration with their work. Let’s ask them if they’d like to take a break (and yes, maybe insist on it and help them do so)…or if they can start with finding the Lego that looks like wing material or maybe pull out paper and markers ourselves and start doodling next to them. Partner with them rather than take over…

Let’s listen carefully to our teen. Affirm their feelings. Acknowledge the hard work we saw them do. Ask them what they would like to say to their teacher–if anything. Or what they might want to do next time to change up the result…or they even WANT to do anything other than just unload on us. Be that safe, comfortable place for them to do so.

Let’s breathe in deeply with our toddler and show them what it is they CAN do. Name their feelings. Hit pillows not people. Help with diaper changes. Give them more things to be in charge of. Set up a cupboard just for them. Include them in cleaning up as well as join in on the dumping  🙂 Honor their feelings always. Stay matter-of-fact as we move through what we have to do…

Now you are tipping the balance toward growing capable,

competent, responsible children and future adults.


Ones who can understand and manage their OWN feelings and behavior. Ones that feel empowered to take charge of the hard. Ones that know we are a resource in whatever way they need us…and that we’ll always BE there. Safe. Comfortable. Available.

Problem solving. It’s a strength–especially when it is applied to ourselves and how WE can step through things with our children that helps them gain strength in the very same skill. Solving their own problems.

Today, take care of YOUR feelings. Calm yourself ahead of time. Affirm yourself as the good parent you already are and intend to be. You don’t NEED your child to be amazingly successful, popular, happy all the time in order to feel good and confident in yourself. Know this, from the inside out.

What a gift to your child, yourself, and all your relationships.

Find Alice’s books here!

And what HARD work.

With JOY and appreciation,


Author and Parent Coach

©2019 Alice Hanscam

Taking Care of YOU during Hard Times

Life has turned upside down. Uncertainty reigns…along with fear, anxiety, worry, frustrations, kids beginning to drive you nuts, and absolutely NO time for yourself.

It is YOU I write to today. You and taking care of you so you can move through these challenging times in the best possible way. And know that can mean anything from just keeping your head above water, to actually feeling pretty darn good. Either way, you are in the game and THAT is to be appreciated.     

Self-care is pretty tough to think about when all day long is spent with everyone based at home, work trying to be accomplished, brainstorming just what you all need to be okay, no school to give you a much needed break from kids, perhaps elders in your life you are caring for or about…

And yet…it all comes down to each one of us individually. We must first take care of ourselves in order to be in a good position to care for others.

So let’s start with you right now. Let this be your PAUSE to stop, take in a few deep breaths, let them out slowly, and examine the thoughts running through your head. You get to decide what you want to think about, how you want to feel, what you decide to DO.

“I’m going crazy!” can become “This is really, really hard and I CAN move through it.”

“My kids are driving me nuts!” can become “Man, they are bouncing off the walls. I can keep myself together even if they can’t!”

“I’m worried sick.” can become “I am clear on how to live healthfully and am confident in the steps I take.”

“There is NO way I can get any work done!” can become “I find just the right time to accomplish what I need to.”

“I just don’t know what to DO!” can become, “I become clear about what needs to happen and can feel good I’m doing my best.”

What we say to ourselves MATTERS. It directly affects how we feel and then what we do. What does this require of you? Self-care.

Every little bit you do, intentionally and just for you, becomes a deposit into what I like to call your Self-Care Savings Account. And with even a little bit you now have more patience, resilience, ability to persevere.

Some ideas for you in the midst of all this craziness:

  • Stand extra long in your hot shower…
  • Choose your favorite mug, hot drink, and make it. Drinking it can be considered a bonus deposit!
  • Call a friend and chat for a few minutes.
  • Sit down and welcome your dog or cat into your lap and stroke their wonderful fur.
  • Do a few yoga stretches.
  • Watch a funny You Tube.
  • Take a lap around your yard…maybe stop to enjoy spring flowers or fresh critter prints in the snow.
  • Gaze at a favorite art print or photo and let good memories wash over you.
Find Alice’s books here!

Think about what you can do for just a minute or so, just for you, that would feel good. Then do it. Even in the midst of full-on craziness, there is time for this. And it is even more necessary than ever before.

Here’s to you in all our uncertainty and new-for-now reality. And here is another bit that might help: “Its OKAY”

You are enough!


Author and Parent Coach

©2020 Alice Hanscan

Love Can Hold Many Feelings

Mister Rogers always has the right things to say. “It’s knowing that love can hold many feelings…”

YES. Our life’s current disruption, Covid-19, has fear, anxiety, sadness laced through-out. And all these feelings are necessary and important. The more we can give our feelings and our children’s feelings the calm, accepting, gentle attention they deserve, the more our children (and us) can feel secure in the love that allows them to process, grow, feel safe in all the topsy turvy of life. 
We can get busy trying to keep our children from feeling afraid or sad. We can get busy trying to fill their days, distract them, move them along to “happy”…and so often we do so because we love them and it will help US feel better.
And yet, it can be such a disservice, for those less-than-wonderful and very real feelings get buried. And when feelings get buried they tend to nibble away at us from the inside out and reappear in stronger, more detrimental ways.
So today, honor all your child’s (and your) feelings. Name the feelings, affirm them. Give them a space of grace–maybe within your arms? Maybe with you sitting alongside? Maybe just a safe, quiet place in which to melt down? Know that with your quiet self alongside allowing feelings to be felt your child can better able manage them.
Find Alice’s books here!

And from there, play can be encouraged (a key way for a child to process upsetting things), books can be read, eyes can be twinkled, hugs can be shared, a renewed sense of purpose can be had as you both take action in whatever way leaves you feeling stronger, more settled, purposeful.


Then fear subsides. Sadness moves toward contentment. Anxiety quiets.

Love can hold many feelings.

Author and Parent Coach
©2020 Alice Hanscam

Talking About Covid-19 With Children

Because talking to our kids about Covid-19 is necessary as well as concerning, I’m sharing here a bit about different ages and the kinds of things I believe they are ready to hear…being open and honest about how life has changed for now is important, as well as being respectful of the developmental level of our child.

First, we need to calm ourselves down—how we feel directly impacts our children. It is okay to tell a child of any age that you are feeling worried about illness AND are making choices to be sure your family is healthy. They need to hear that they will be okay. So be sure to take care of YOU in any way you can . Need help with that? Ask me. I’ve got lots of self-care ideas for you.   

Babies and Toddlers? Little to nothing about the virus for these guys! It is more important to keep routines in place as much as possible—from sleep to meals to play. This helps them feel safe despite all the changes around them. A toddler can hear and practice that we wash our hands and catch our coughs in our elbows—all to be healthy and strong. Telling them, “We are playing at home for now. Daycare is closed and will open again when they are ready” is enough. Toddlers go with OUR flow—so role modeling healthy practices and being light-hearted about things keeps them doing and being the same.

Preschoolers? They need to hear from you that, yes, there’s lots of people getting sick AND we are working hard at being healthy. School closed until everyone feels better; we stay home while our office is cleaned; we will call and write Grammie instead of visit her. We want to keep our germs to ourselves! Showing them healthy practices and making it fun can turn this into a positive experience. Think washing hands in a sink full of bubbles! Remember, play is important for them to process feelings, so bring out that toy doctor kit and play away!

Elementary kids? They need to know that YES there is a new-to-us virus and we need time to build up our immunities, something our bodies do quite well at. Closing schools and other facilities helps keep us from all getting the virus at the same time which helps our doctors be able to take care of us if we need help.

Older elementary kids are ready to know more—what pandemic means, what scientists and doctors are doing, how restrictions can help all of us as tough as they are. Brainstorming with the elementary age group for how to have fun while also living the healthy practices being asked of us can bring children and parents together in positive ways.

Teens? They are ready for more info. However, it is important for limiting constant exposure to news for them (and us!!). Hearing the concerns and panic over and over again will only feed more of it. What we focus on grows, so lets be sure to focus on solutions and health. Ask them questions such as, “What have you heard today?” “What’s worrying you about today’s news?” And listen. Welcome their worry, express yours, and share what you are grateful for and appreciating within all this chaos.

Sharing in age-appropriate ways both the challenge AND the positive action being taken, a child can feel calmer and more in control. By showing our children what they can do, including them in on ideas for the family, and stop talking constantly about sickness keeps everyone’s focus on health and positive, productive actions. This is essential.

Keeping routines in place as much as possible for the younger ages helps them feel safe and therefore calmer despite the daily challenges this is bringing. It will help you, as well, for predictability is calming…:-). Go read those usual 4 books before nap, have a regular snack after nap time, keep blankies and special stuffed guys close. It makes a positive and reassuring difference.

Preserving plenty of time for play is key—it is through play our children process feelings. Bring out the toy doctor kit, have sick stuffed animals all lined up to get medicine, tell and make-up stories or read books about being healthy, being sick, feeling upset. And if there isn’t interest in these things, respect that. Your children will let you know how much they can take in about all that is going on, trust this.

Most importantly, choose to take care of your worries and as you share with your kids, know that less is often better. Let them ask for more information—pay attention to how much they can take in at one time, pay attention to how they react. Balance what and how much you talk about this by how your child responds.

Find Alice’s books here!

You’ve got this! Our children (and all of YOU) are resilient souls and this chaos brings us the opportunity to simplify, bring family closer, get creative, and actively love each other through it all.

Thinking of all of you,

Author and Parent Coach
©2020 Alice Hanscam

Little Moments

Because Little Moments help keep us present to the here and now, rather than caught up in the worries and anxieties that often surround us, I share my poster once again with you. 
Stay present and open to each Little Moment with your child, with yourself. Whether the moment is one filled with Big Feelings, a spontaneous hug, a watchful moment as your child is fully engaged in play, a deposit into your self-care account, or even a heated exchange with your teen…
Be present to it. Recognize it as an Important Moment that, depending on how you choose to welcome it and respond to it, can become a wonderfully relationship-building moment.
Find Alice’s books here!

And I believe you will notice those anxieties to take a back seat and calm connection step up and lead the way. So much healthier for all! 

Enjoy today’s Little Moments. They add up!
With JOY,
Author and Parent Coach
©2020 Alice Hanscam

Rivalry! Sisters, brothers, cell phones…

Sibling rivalry.

You know, the whining, fighting, crying, tugging, hitting…and how it drives us crazy, worries us, leaves us wondering if there’ll EVER be peace in the household?

I know, you are thinking I’m talking about your child’s relationship with their sister or brother and that maybe I’ll have some words of wisdom to help you with all that sibling rivalry .

What I want you to consider is this–I’m actually talking about your PHONE. Yes. Your phone. And yes, I’ll talk more about those brother and sister challenges…

Here’s the deal.

With more and more of our attention being drawn to all-things-phone–even when we THINK we are listening to our child, what our child is feeling is the competition for our attention.

Think of it this way–your phone has become your child’s rival.

And they whine. Drop to a puddle around our feet. Tell us loud and clear, “You aren’t LISTENING with your EYES!” Pick fights with others around them to get our attention. Hit. Grab. Want equal time on our phone–whether it is to figure out this rival for our attention and maybe be RID of it or discover just what it is we are so fascinated about that they decide this must be how life is to be experienced and they want to be a part of this life–hence more a part of yours.

Connection. That is what they are seeking and will look for it any way they can, productive and healthy or not 🙂 .

Sibling rivalry among children is normal. It can be healthy. It is always an opportunity for the kids involved to learn a bit more about negotiating, problem solving, collaboration, compromise. It can truly be relationship-building as we join alongside our kids to help them out with all the big and loud feelings involved. Connection can more likely be at the forefront. Big feelings are learned about and better managed. I could go on and on…

Sibling rivalry with our phones is relationship-depleting. DIS-connecting. Interrupting. It communicates, “You aren’t important enough to give my full attention to.” “My ‘life’ on my phone is what is my priority.” “THIS is how our day/life is supposed to be spent.” “I’d rather constantly put out fires around me then pause long enough to help you learn and grow so fires are unnecessary.”

Hmmmm….now there’s a thought.

When we are constantly distracted, we tend to respond to everything around us from a reactive place. We wait until it is bad enough and then we give the “fire” (aka hitting, whining, crying, fighting) the cursory bucket of water (aka STOP THAT; QUIT or you’ll be sorry; Here, watch this movie and be quiet…). Whew. All is good. For a moment. And then it all starts back up again, for our child? They haven’t really learned anything more about how to manage themselves…mostly because we just toss that “bucket of water” over whatever “fire” with the hopes of avoiding it next time around.

Not very productive. Or healthy. Or relationship building.

Back to the phone deal. Here’s what we CAN do.

Notice our use of our phones. Be sure to turn them off or at least to silent when we are engaged with our child. Recognize the need to be away from our phones so we CAN be healthier, and our discomfort in doing so. See that discomfort as the gift of awareness it is–something you can work on little bits at a time.

When you feel that tug on your arm, PAUSE. Look at your child. Let them know you see and hear them. Tell them what they can expect AS you look at them. “I need to finish my text then I can give you my full attention.” OR “I can listen to you right now. My text can wait.”

Then follow through. With ALL of you. Your eyes, your body, your hands, your lap.

Try this today. Try practicing tucking your phone away for a bit and get used to a bit of discomfort…then turn to your child and really look at them and delight in being able to communicate, “YOU matter.”

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

And the rivalry can diminish…disappear…and CONNECTION–honest, real, meaningful CONNECTION leads the way.

Pretty amazing what happens when our children feel connected to us. Heard. Understood. Enjoyed. Pretty amazing what happens to US when we feel that way with ourselves.


Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

Faith in Your Self as a Parent

I was asked recently, prior to speaking to a group of parents, if my work is faith-based.

I paused.  

I’ve been asked this before. From groups, from individual parents. I consider my answer with care, for faith (or religion, as this question really is about) can both be inclusive as well as quite exclusive. And the work I do is meant to include all.
Here’s what I know. My work is about helping each of you grow your faith in yourselves. To help you each become clearer about what it is you truly want, how you understand your child, what kinds of relationships you intend to grow, and to feel more confident and certain in your self as a parent. To trust yourself. Even and most especially when you have no clear direction to take with whatever struggle you are facing.
So yes, my work is faith based because it is about strengthening you from the inside out. Strengthening your ability to trust the direction or actions you choose to take; to have faith in what unfolds as you parent from this more intentional place; to trust that your work at parenting from a strong-inside-you self will deposit soundly and wonderfully into your relationships; to know with certainty (and a bit of relief?!), as you plow through the tough times, that these, too, shall pass. Trusting that these tough times will help all involved to grow.
Think about this. Every single struggle you have with your children–from sleep issues to behavior issues to school challenges to pottying to sharing to disrespect and on–asks you to PAUSE, first and foremost. To reflect on your child’s needs. To think about what it is you really want. To consider what you can do more of or do differently. To understand just what is healthy and just what it is that is important in your family. To, most importantly, take care of your own feelings.

It requires you to begin first with yourself.

What if, no matter the challenge, YOU felt certain and confident in how you chose to act? That you confidently entered into the button pushing, sarcasm, refusal to listen, etc, feeling calm and certain that this can be evolved toward healthy and productive behavior and relationships?
Or maybe not confident, and instead TRUSTING. Trusting that the action you take will move you and your child forward in positive and healthy ways…and instead of worrying so much about just what to do, you find yourself focusing more on HOW you do it? Talk about faith in yourself. Pause, center yourself, calm down, and then step in–even without the answer. And trust that what unfolds is important, necessary, and growth oriented, even as it is still quite often hard.
This really is where faith in yourself–strength from the inside out–comes. Allowing yourself not to know just what to do and trusting that HOW you do it will take you down the right-for-you-and-your-child path. And that “how?” It comes from you pausing, calming, and then choosing just how you want to be no matter what your child is throwing at you. Pause is a muscle. Exercise it and it and you get stronger.

So yes. My work is faith based.

Faith in your ability to grow and parent respectfully,

gently, from the inside out as you focus more on yourself and less on the immediate challenge at hand.

Always start with you.

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

Here’s to each of you this New Year. Make a resolution to strengthen yourself this year. Slow yourself down with a PAUSE so you can really listen to your inner voice. Take your time. Relationships require the respect of time. Let a pause bring you a bit of calm and then let this calm help you trust the direction you then take. This is faith. This is the work I do for you.

I have faith in each of you as you strive to parent well.
With JOY,
Author and Parent Coach
©2020 Alice Hanscam


It’s okay to…

…leave your grocery cart half-full and deserted in the store because your child is over-the-top losing it and you just need to LEAVE…

…decide to throw up your arms and plunk yourself down and resign yourself to your kids being LATE to school…or you to your appointment or work or you name it and late is the name of the game today…

…lock the bathroom door for the few minutes you need to be A-L-O-N-E …no matter the LOUD outside the door…

…put your crying baby safely in her crib for the few minutes you need to tend to your totally distraught preschooler or totally-a-wreck SELF.

…pour a bowl of Cheerios for dinner…            

…be thoroughly embarrassed by your child’s behavior at a friend’s house…

…decide to avoid responding to the excitement of your child over something that really hurts your heart or drives you nuts…

…decide TO respond to the excitement of your child over something that really hurts your heart or drives you nuts…and maybe in a not-so-productive-way…but hey, at least you responded.

…let your preschooler dance off to daycare in a ridiculous outfit of his or her choosing…and maybe the same one from yesterday and the day before and the day before and really, it NEEDS to get in the laundry, but…oh well…

…let your child discover what it feels like to get a not-so-wonderful grade on an assignment…rather than work ever-so-hard and frustratingly at getting them to do it “right” and now and finished…

…need help and ask for it…

…pull the car over to the side of the road, get out, and BREATHE while the kids continue to yell and scream and fight in the back seat…

It’s okay.

When you are at your wits end, when you are exhausted, confused, raw, buttons pushed to an extreme, or you name it, it is OKAY to let go and intentionally choose to throw in the towel, yell a bit, walk away for a moment, maybe take what feels like the easy way out.

Giving yourself a break now and again is essential for then re-charging, re-grouping, re-evaluating, and definitely re-connecting. This parenting deal? There IS no perfection. Only a real and honest try at doing better today then we did yesterday.


So today–take care of you so you can take care of your children. Be kind and gentle with yourself and your feelings, for this shows our children how to be with theirs. Maybe there will be a mess to clean up, maybe there will be big tears and slamming doors and real hurt felt.

Find Alice’s books here!

And now, because you will be better today than yesterday, you can open your arms to all the mess and hurt, gather it in, and truly, authentically, gratefully apologize, re-connect…

…and try again.

That’s all. It’s okay.


Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam

Consider Consequences…

I’d really like to be rid of the word “consequences.” This may be a matter of semantics, but stay with me here.

I know they are important. I know we toss that word around a lot when we are frustrated, concerned, working hard at showing our children (and perhaps adults you might know) that their actions have consequences.

This is true, I absolutely agree with that. Actions do have consequences. Yet this word “consequences?” It gets misused. It is defined quite often as punishment.

Think about this–“That child needs consequences!” Really what is being said is, That child needs to be punished in order to learn to do it the RIGHT way, MY way, the kind, good, easy or whatever way.”

Consequences and Punishment. They just seem to mean the same to so many.

I’d like to suggest something else. I’d like to re-frame consequences as “The Results of Choices.” Results. The outcome of however our child chooses. Whether it is to earn something, pay for something, experience loss, experience joy…

Take hitting, for example.

You know, the hitting between siblings, the hit from one child to another that happens when a toy is grabbed or a buddy gets in the way or when we try to step in and help a situation. The hit from a very upset child. We know hitting isn’t okay. It certainly pushes OUR button…

Think about this. Because it pushes our button and we just want it to STOP we often find ourselves saying, “He needs to know there are consequences for hitting his sister!”  Seen as a punishment, we are now stepping in making them stop, often getting upset ourselves, removing them from the situation to “Go to time out young man!” Threatening to take away privileges–“No more iPad!” “No way can you go to your friend’s party now!”; or worse, we hit them to show them how it hurts. That makes no sense and is never okay.

What do they learn? That when they hit, WE lose our temper.That their hitting or not hitting is about how WE feel, not how they feel, how the one who was hit feels, not how to express feelings appropriately. That it is all about how we react–and now their attention is way less on what we hope they can learn and WAY more on how we are reacting.

What do we WANT them to learn? That when they get upset they can use their words, come get an adult to help, take time to cool off. That gentler hands are important. We want them to learn how to cooperate, be patient, PAUSE. To manage themselves in healthy and productive ways.

So what is the Result of their Choice to Hit? That it hurts.

And that hurt causes another to be sad and upset. And when someone is sad and upset, we comfort them. We show the hitter what the hitting caused. And knowing that younger children, when they hit, are typically equally hurt inside, the result of them hitting is that we kneel down and talk with them–gently, firmly, with our full and understanding presence.

Maybe the result of their choice to hit goes further. Maybe it is that time to cool off is in order. Maybe it is showing them what they CAN hit. Maybe it is about picking up the one who got hit and heading elsewhere for a bit…putting our attention on what we want more of–less hitting, more compassion.    

If we had stepped in with “CONSEQUENCES!” I’d venture to say lessons learned are way less about our child learning more about himself. When we step in as the guide through the results of their actions, so much more INNER learning goes on–and that is exactly what is needed in order to grow in healthy ways, to become a successful adult able to manage their feelings, know themselves well, build healthy relationships with others.

What does this require from us?

First and foremost, our ability to PAUSE. To consider just what we want the most, what our child needs in order to learn and grow, to calm ourselves enough that however we then respond it is done in a relationship-building way.

It requires our patience and ability to Take. Our. Time.

It asks us to take care of ourselves so our feelings of MAD or worry or frustration can be calmed and dealt with, no matter what our child decides to do. Self-care. It is essential in order to parent well.

It asks us to know our child…and to understand ages and stages so we CAN understand better what our child needs.

Today, PAUSE. Calm your self. Consider just what you want to show your child so they can learn a bit more how to manage themselves, how to sort their feelings, how to use their words. Step in alongside and show them the way.

Find Alice’s books here!

Let your calm and  confident self create the connection your child needs so they can do the learning and growing they need the most.


What a way to deposit into your relationship with your child.  

Here’s to you today!


Author and Parent Coach

©2019 Alice Hanscam



All the Kids are Sick

All the kids are sick. Goopy noses, coughing, crying, can’t sleep, neither can you. You have guests landing at your house soon, are trying to work around what initially seemed like a small remodel of the kitchen, the dog got into the garbage AGAIN, there is no peeling the cling-ons your kids have become off your legs AND you feel exhausted. Overwhelmed. Running on empty. Chaos, yuck, craziness rules the roost. Oh–and remember, you HAVE to go to work, the grocery store, the doctor’s office–probably more than once.

You are feeling awful. Exhausted and overwhelmed. Guilty for letting your kids just do whatever because it is all you can do to manage everyone’s illness and ‘regular’ life. Cereal and treats and videos and sleeping with you and, well, getting whatever they want so your sanity can prevail. Maybe.

And the last thing you want to hear from me is that you really CAN feel steady in all this chaos. Eye-rolls please. It’s okay.

Stay with me, here.

Start by taking a deep, long, breath. Even while you have octopus legs and arms wrapped around you and snotty noses rubbing themselves across your knees.

Let that breath be your much needed PAUSE.

And let me appreciate YOU for a moment, because I know how impossible it is to see through all of this yuck to what really can help you feel a bit steadier, calmer, okay no matter what is swirling around you.

Let me appreciate…

…your resilience. You are still in the game despite (or because of) all this chaos. You don’t feel this resilience I see, yet let me be clear–you have it and are using it. That is WHY you are still in the game.

…your deep care and compassion you have for your kids even as they wipe their noses on you, add 50 pounds of weight to your legs, cry constantly, keep you awake tossing and turning, fight and melt down. It is because of the deep care you have that you are still in the game. Even if “in the game” means hiding under your covers for a while as your kids are plunked in front of a movie.

…how you let go of what seemed like “have tos.” Your ability to let go of a well rounded meal, getting to work on time or at all, having a clean(er) house, your promise to never over-do screen time, getting a real night’s sleep.

This letting go? Yes, it is due to you feeling like you have NO control over any of it, yet I “see” someone who is clear on what needs to be the reality for right now. Someone who, by letting go, has been able to go with the flow a tad more, answer their children’s needs in the moment, stay present to the here and now. All things to appreciate. All things absolutely necessary to moving through the chaos well–in time.

…that retreat into the bathroom with doors locked. Just for a few minutes for the much needed RELIEF you need. You may see it as a retreat, as “I can’t handle this!” I will re-frame it as an essential Self-Care Deposit. A PAUSE that has you more likely stepping out after a few moments with just a tad more patience, resilience, maybe even a creative idea for what can happen next.

…YOUR feelings. All of them. Your guilt, your anxiety, your upset. Let me appreciate these, for I know it is hard for you to do so. We so often feel we are supposed to NOT feel this way. That it means we are, somehow, less of a good parent for being mad, guilty, anxiety ridden. Let me appreciate for you, right now, the whole and wonderful being you are that feeling all these feelings represents. Whole and wonderful.

…your humor! Sarcastic or not, that laugh you had as everything and one melted down around you? It is a gift and a strength. Use it. See it. Find it. A little humor can go a l-o-n-g way when everything else is a mess.

Okay. So you STILL are a wreck and so are your kids. But tell me, how does it feel to be appreciated despite (or because of) all this chaos? Can you really own this appreciation or are you still rolling your eyes at me? No matter, I don’t mind.

I will keep putting these appreciations out to you, for what we focus on grows. Maybe later, after everything settles for real, you will find yourself reflecting on my words. Or maybe you feel a bit relieved right now to know that things really are working in the midst of all the yuck. Either way, I appreciate your work to parent as well as you can through the hard.

And I hope you might feel steadier. Calmer. Stronger-at least a bit. Or just steadier. We can leave it at that. Because what a difference that can make as life swirls around you–to feel steady in the midst of it all. Or steadier for the next round of chaos. What a way to help a child settle more quickly, a Big Upset to be valued and appreciated. What a way to let a little light-hearted-ness step in and step up.

Find Alice’s books here!

So today, I appreciate you. Know this, so you don’t have to work at it yourself. Just move through today and all the challenges thrown your way KNOWING you are appreciated.

That’s all.

Take care,

Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam


A Boy and His Dad

A story for you…

Dad and twelve-year-old son. Broken (by accident) window in son’s bedroom. Oops. Glass everywhere, and the cost to fix it was going to be plenty.

You can imagine how dad COULD have reacted. How you or I might have. I know I’d probably have yelled, first…hard NOT to as you hear the crash of the window and find yourself already thinking towards the mess and the cost and the time it’ll take. So you can imagine how tempers could have flared. Dad could have lost it. It certainly wouldn’t be unreasonable…and his son? Well…he was cringing a bit for he KNEW he blew it and it WAS a total mess and dad was known to lose his cool over other incidents…

And yet...he didn’t lose it. Dad instead left his son’s room before his temper got the best of him. He headed downstairs to the garage. There he gathered up the Shop-Vac, some rags, a broom, duct tape, cardboard, and other cleanup and temporary repair items. As he lugged it all up the stairs, dad realized how much calmer he already felt. This PAUSE of leaving the scene of the mess, focusing on what he needed to gather, letting go of trying to drag his son downstairs with him worked for him. He found he was returning to his son’s room, more interested in engaging with him positively as they cleaned up the mess.

Son? Initially afraid dad was going to lose it, was instead relieved when dad returned, calm and focused.  Dad leaving the room created a PAUSE for this 12-year-old enough that HE could take a breath and move from being afraid to being curious about what dad was up to…. Now son was receptive and actually eager to help with the clean-up job. And because of dad’s PAUSE, they were able to work together successfully…even with a bit of humor as they taped up cardboard, figured out measurements for window replacement, chased bits of glass around the floor.

Now what? They felt connected. In a positive and fun kind of way. Lots of learning happened–real learning.


The kind that has a child focused on ability and task and skill rather than how crazy upset they or their parent is. And it continued into the next day as they headed to the hardware store together to get all that was necessary for replacing the broken window. A cool learning experience and relationship building time that could have (understandably so) been a disaster.

What did Mr. 12 learn? That dad could be counted on to keep it together (and now Mr. 12 could also keep it together…), that certain things were what you needed to use to clean up broken glass, that you could use cardboard and duct tape creatively, and that this is what it takes to replace the window.

Perhaps most importantly, Mr. 12 learned that dad saw him as a capable and competent soul able to take responsibility for the choices (and results!) he made.

Find Alice’s books here!

Awesome. THIS is the power of PAUSE and parenting with calm connection. And it ripples out in amazing ways..let it change your life.  If you need help, you will find it in all three of my books–let them empower you to make truly relationship-building changes in your life.

Here’s to you today,
Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

Can I Have a Do-Over?!

“Oh, if only I could have a ‘do-over!'”

Can I rewind and take back those hurtful words that came flying out of my mouth as you dug your heels in and used THAT tone of voice with me? Oh how I wish I could!

Can I rewind and try something different that won’t have you ending up in a puddle of a meltdown in the middle of…(fill in the blank)? Being embarrassed is NO fun, and watching you struggle so leaves me feeling so sad…

Can we please start over with our family adventure so we can choose differently and not end up angry and tense and upset with each other? It all just feels crummy and that is not how I want our family time to be.

How often do you wish for a ‘do-over?’ Weekly? Daily? Hourly?! I remember sending my girls off to school after a Less-Than-Fun-Morning, then feeling guilty all day long…

It is easy to feel the guilt…to hit ourselves over the head over and over again as we re-live the yuck we allowed to happen, telling ourselves the “I shoulds, if onlys, I’m an awful parent.”

What would it be like to know these ‘do-overs’ you wish for can become a truly productive and ultimately wonderful launching place for just what you want more of–relationship building, truly win-win, even joyful experiences?


Give yourself the gift and grace of PAUSE–even if it is after the blow-up, and especially when you have finally calmed down. PAUSE, think through what could have been different if you had felt calm–or at least ‘acted-as-if’ you felt calm. What might you have done or said differently? How might the experience have looked with your calm in place?

When I can create this PAUSE, I find I can see more clearly what I could have said to my child (and have to stop myself from falling into that guilty place of why I DIDN’T say these things!).

I can see more clearly how I could have been more able to listen and hear what she had to say.  My child could then feel respected and cared for because I listened…what a difference that could make!

I feel I could slow myself down and pay closer attention to what she is really trying to say. And maybe, just maybe the situation would not have blown. 

Take time to think about how feeling calmer and more at ease in your Do-Over would have changed things.  Then take a moment to recognize where you HAVE been even a little bit successful with doing so. Because you HAVE. Plenty of times. They just go unnoticed by you because, well, everything went smoothly!

The more we affirm ourselves, look to where

we have felt better about our own behavior, the more

encouraged we can feel.


Key for shelving the guilt and relating from a productive and healthy place.

  The cool thing? Each time you walk yourself through a mental do-over you are strengthening the muscles necessary for doing it this way in real time. Really. Those do-overs…mistakes…”I wish-should have-maybe next times” all become key practice in strengthening just what you want more of.

They are a gift rather than a failure.

Let go of the guilt as best you can. I like to “shelve” my guilty feelings up high in my mind’s eye and tell them to stay put until I’m ready to deal with them 🙂 and do your best to welcome each opportunity as the gift it is–a chance to grow, become better, deposit into your relationships, feel confident in your parenting.

Practice. That is what parenting is all about. A constant practice.

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

There will come a time when you will have fewer and fewer ‘do-overs’ to think through–you CAN feel calm, connected, and confident on a regular basis. Life will feel better. YOU will feel better and your children and relationships will benefit greatly. This is the power of PAUSE. And when things do head south–for they willyou will feel steadier, clearer, better.

And the guilt? It gets rather dusty from lack of attention… 🙂

How cool is that?

Author and Parent Coach

©2016 Alice Hanscam

A Beautiful Moment

A Beautiful Moment.

A mama, a curly-haired four-year-old boy, a beach, and a talk.

What caught my eye? First the boy, happily and busily marching up and down and up and down a great-big-to-him log on the beach. Pausing to JUMP into the sand…check out the waves…back up onto the log…sandy hands and all.

Next, the mama. Calm. Present. Quiet. Available.    

Mr. Four was being given such a lovely space to BE. To move, think, imagine, connect on his own terms, in his own way.

Up the log he’d go…met by Mama with a twinkle in her eye. Maybe a few words exchanged, maybe not. It all depended on if Mr. Four had something to say.

Down the log he went. JUMP into the sand. Study intently the incoming tide.

I paused…watched…and then noticed and appreciated out loud to this mama the gift she was giving her son to just BE. And as you can imagine, this moment I paused became a Beautiful Moment.

A moment filled with sharing the power of connecting meaningfully, deeply. A moment filled with how life changing parenting is, how it calls to us to GROW, from the inside out. How, when we pause, calm ourselves, work first at growing our ability to feel centered and content to the best of our ability, our parenting changes, our children change.

Anxiety evaporates. Connection grows.

“Discipline” and “Punishment” become what they are supposed to be–a gentle, firm guidance done through calm connection, appreciation, and real JOY.

And yes, this is quite different from parenting permissively. You can explore my blog and “Parenting Well No Matter the Label” for more on that.

A Beautiful Moment of considering the power of parenting and living from the calm, centered, connected, affirming, appreciative, loving place focused on guiding children in empowering ways. She’s come to it along her path of discovery; I, too. And all my sharing with each of you is with the intent to help you grow this direction, also.

Just think what the world could be like if each and every one of us strengthened our ability to PAUSE, consider, appreciate. To grow our trust in life and growth and really listened to our inner selves, ultimately feeling steady and strong.

Just think how the next generation of children could more likely thrive as they grow in an environment filled with a real sense of security, of love, of being valued and appreciated for who they are, shown with care and gentleness and a steady assurance how to be, to grow, to live.

Just think. This mama and me? We felt the importance of our “chance” meeting. We both, I believe, parted feeling encouraged, affirmed, lifted. I did, absolutely.

And Mr. Four? Oh he was busily going down the log, up the log, and down again. Intermittently telling me about the Redwood Trees he and his stuffed dog were going to see, how the tide was coming in, how fast he can go, the adventures he’d been on and was going on, the special tires on his toy car, that he was 1-2-3-FOUR…!

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

What a delight. Thank you to this Mama who gave me a PAUSE to consider with care some of what we shared. Thank you to this Mama for the Beautiful Moment that has had me smiling all day long. And thank you to the curly haired Mr. Four who sparkled as he delighted in all things BEACH.

Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

BOOM you went!

Noticed, appreciated, and always enjoyed…

An exchange overheard  between a young Godmother and her 17-month-old godson following a slip and a boom onto his bottom: “You slipped! I can see it surprised you…”  PAUSE.  Toddler busy processing and deciding whether to cry or not.

“Boom, you went onto your bottom. See? You slipped on the water right here.”  PAUSE. The tears began.

“Ohhh, it surprised you and you are sad.”  PAUSE. “Would you like to keep going downstairs?” The tears got a bit louder. “Do you need to go check-in with Mama?”

YES his little head nodded as his sobs got louder. Up he went into her arms, she talking soothingly as she brought him to his Mama.

What did I appreciate?

Her gentleness. Her respect for letting him take time to decide just how this experience had him feeling. Her outward comfort in his discomfort–giving him the opportunity to explore his feelings, to feel safe and accepted.

It was a lovely moment to overhear…so very kind and respectful.

Here’s what else I appreciatedthe waiting Mama who heard the fall, boom, and gentle conversation. She paused, listened, and stayed put and out of sight while she respectfully let her 17-month-old and his Godmother work through the moment. What a way to communicate confidence in her son and her friend–relationship building on all fronts. Difficult to do, wait out of sight as your little one hurts. That confidence it communicates? It also speaks of how capable her little guy is becoming.

Instead of jumping up to “make it all better” and communicating “You need me in order to manage your feelings–you need me to rescue you”–Mama AND Godmother, because of their ability to PAUSE and sit through his upset, communicated clearly that they KNEW he can feel strongly AND be okay.

What a way to nurture more of what is truly wanted–a capable, confident child.

Take time today to look around and notice and appreciate something another is doing–whether it is something to delight in or a something difficult getting worked through. And this includes appreciating your self :-).

Appreciation. It is powerful. It creates

positive change all on its own.

Find all of Alice’s books here!

If you like “Noticed and Appreciated” posts, here’s another for you: https://www.justaskalice.org/2018/06/26/noticed-and-appreciated-stuffed-guys/

Make it great today!

Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

One Mom’s Real and Positive CHANGE

A story for you!

Mom, fourteen-year-old daughter, eleven-year-old son. Reactive household. Lots of yelling, talking back, frustration, ignoring.

A daughter who began to hide thingsher texts, her new found boyfriend, her self.

A mom who was clear she wanted to help her daughter be safe, choose with care, make healthy decisions. A mom who realized what could lie up ahead if she and her kids continued on this road of reactivity, of feeling lousy, of anything but relationship building experiences and interactions.

A mom who sought support via parent coaching...

She decided to start focusing on herself first and foremost

Mom began to worry less about what her daughter chose to do and focused more on what she (mom) decided to do.

Mom began depositing into her Self Care Savings Account.

She learned about and focused on her PAUSE muscle.

She spent time reflecting on just the kind of adults she intended to grow…on just what kind of relationships she really wanted…on how she would like to feel.

Mom actively grew her calm(er) self and began to listen.

To stay quiet, initially. To express clearly her hopes for her children. To be clear on expectations without it becoming a yelling match. At least, only a one-sided yelling match, for she had decided to no longer yell…but what her kids decided–that was up to them 🙂 .

Mom found herself asking more questions rather than dictating what she thought the answers should be. She discovered she COULD sit through some big emotional times with her young teen and maintain the calm her daughter needed the most from her.

Her daughter began to flourish.

She began to respond well to her mother’s ability to gently intervene, rather than yell, nag, threaten. She began to trust what her mom said she meant and would do. This fourteen year old started to share more openly with her mother. To seek her out as a resource as things escalated with a boyfriend who stepped up his demands…his stalking via texts…the drama of first love relationships…the drama of friendships, period.

Her daughter felt empowered as her mom asked questions rather than told her what to do. She started, on her own, to choose better friends, healthier relationships, to stand up for her self. Mom and daughter began to laugh and talk and enjoy each other more and more often…and family life calmed down.

Fast forward three years. This mom?

She shared with me just how connected, joyful, respectful her relationships with her children have become.

Just what she envisioned three years ago when she initially sought support. She shared how her daughter told her she is someone she trusts, that she can count on mom to listen and often wait before mom intervenes in a situation. Her daughter shared with her how she sees her mother as a resource she can and does and wants to turn to. Cool, hmmm?

This daughter? She is about to fly. College is right around the corner. She is ready–feeling capable, competent, respected, trusted.

This mom? She is ready, too. She now knows, without a doubt, her relationship with this young adult is exactly how she intended it to be.

And the family? Oh the adventures they enjoy together! What a gift to both children to have a parent wanting and willing to grow themselves in order to become the kind of parent they intend to be. What a gift to the children to have a parent actively pausing, considering, living the respect and trust she wants to see; doing whatever she can to calm her own anxieties and worries enough that they no longer lead the way throughout the day; actively focusing on self-care–the foundation for parenting and living well.

What a gift to her children and to herself, all this work at growing has been.

I wanted to share so you can feel a bit more empowered today to pull your focus first to yourself, to trust the process growth and relationships are, to know–really KNOW–that the work you put in right now to parent with calm connection, to parent well, pays off.

Find Alice’s books here!

It is worth the journey no

matter how many years, for it is about relationships. And it is our relationships that count the most.


With JOY and appreciation,

Author of “Parenting Inspired” and “PAUSE”
PCI Certified Parent Coach® and ScreamFree Certified Leader
©2016 Alice Hanscam

“I can’t DO it!” A story of tantrums…

A story to share–and oh, how I love stories!

In my care a four, seven, and thirteen year old. The two older ones at the table, totally focused on homework and projects. The 4-year-old–Mr. N I’ll call him–immersed in Lego on the floor. Me? Preparing after-school snacks.

Mr. N, tending toward having things ‘just so’ in life, couldn’t get his Lego plane to look just like he wanted. The whine was the first sign:

“Aaaaliiiccce! I can’t DO it. It doesn’t LOOK right…” Here we go…something that we’d done before and I’m sure would do again.

Me: “You sound frustrated!”

Mr. N: “I can’t DOOOOOOOOOOO it!” Escalating rapidly.

Me: “Can I help?

Mr. N: (Now flopping on floor), “NO. NObody can. I can’t DO it…”

And his half-constructed plane is thrown across the floor, busting all to pieces, and the wailing and screaming that followed was to be admired for its intensity

Okay…so here is where we all find ourselves at some point in our parenting journey–and most likely quite often, depending on age and stage of kids. Here is where I’d like to say how calm and matter-of-fact I felt as I let Mr. N know it is time to take a break and calm down. This is where I’d like to tell you how easily he complied by gathering himself up and snuggling on the couch and quickly pulling himself together to go try again.

I’d like to be able to say that. But the reality? It looked a bit different. I felt my temperature rise…the words going through my head: “Argh! Mr. N is doing it again! Throwing a tantrum over the littlest thing! And the other two kids are trying to work. When is he going to learn? How can I get him to STOP????”

I did have the where-with-all to act-as-if I felt calm and matter of fact. It helped that I had a 7 and 13-year-old watching me intently, and role modeling for them was important to me. Take whatever works to (pretend to) do it well! I do believe that really was my first PAUSE.

Me, with clenched teeth and an extra firm tone of voice–the best I could do in the moment:

“Mr N, you are having a hard time. Your screaming is making it difficult for the girls to do their work. Time to go downstairs until you are calmer and ready to try again.” Sounds good, right? It was–even if I did feel angry, myself. Self-control–a strength!

Mr N had no ability to pick himself up and head downstairs–too busy wailing and flailing. I picked him up  working hard at containing MY anger. Thank goodness for the two sets of eyes watching my every move–another PAUSE of sorts. Off we went down to his room in my house screaming away. I plunked him down and said, “When you have calmed down, we can try again.”

And here is where I can honestly say I did well.

Mr N is screaming and flailing and I found myself sitting sideways in the doorway. I knew from previous experiences that closing the door just added to the turmoil via kicking…and I knew for certain my visible nearness helped him feel connected–even in the midst of doing anything he could to push me away. Connection is key.

I sat myself down and averted my eyes. I kept Mr N company–quietly and respectfully. I stayed connected and available.  I paused. Okay, so I plugged my ears for awhile, as well. And breathed. And wished for him to calm down SOON so we could move on…

Thirty minutes later (yes, thirty minutes–I had quite the time to PAUSE in that doorway!) as his screams had turned to sobs, I found I could interject (you know, in-between sobs when they try to catch their breath?) “I hear you are working at calming down. When you are ready, we can head back upstairs and try again.” Mr N knew he could have my lap if he wanted (he didn’t), he knew I wouldn’t leave…and I respected his choice to pull himself together ‘on his own.’

Then something magic happened.

Truly magic. Down the stairs came my kitty cat–“Mew, mew, mew.” I swear to you, she came down to check on Mr N and all the commotion–she really was! And I used it: “Yoda kitty! You are worried about Mr N! You are here to see how you can help.” And I picked up my fuzzy little kitty and plunked her in the room with my sobbing little friend. Mr N wrapped his arms around Yoda kitty (Yoda was not one to be snuggled, yet this time? She obliged..) and breathed in her soft fur.

Mr N, “Yoda, I love you. Yoda, I’m sad. Oh, Yoda…” And he totally calmed down. Within a minute or so he said, “I’m ready to go upstairs!” I said, “You worked hard at calming yourself down and Yoda kitty came to help!” Off we went, Lego plane was gathered up and re-built, snacks were had, and all was peaceful. Really!   

Tantrums. They are tough. What worked for me?

Acting as if. Having other eyes a-watching me. Knowing that Mr N needed time and space to gather himself and respecting his way of working through it all. Staying near and available. Pausing–maybe not initially, but in the end, my staying near Mr N gave me the gift of a pause so I really could feel calm. And in turn, this gave Mr N the PAUSE he needed to feel the same. Kitty cat included.

There’s my story for you. One of many. Maybe I’ll share the 13-year-old tantrum  of my daughter’s another day. Really, this is a journey we are all on–it is meant for our growth as much as it is our children’s. Respect this. Welcome every challenge and conflict as an opportunity to become a better you. Always appreciate the parts that ARE working for you–for what we focus on grows. Know you have lots of good company along this journey as a parent!

Find Alice’s books here!

Me? I am forever grateful to Yoda kitty. She has managed to change the tune of many upset moments. Mine as well as others! Mr N? He is now 12 and builds incredible Lego planes–he shared the fleet of planes he created recently. You know what he said? “Alice, I don’t care if they look just right anymore. Look what I built, just for fun!” And he was glowing.

That made all the past tantrums worth it.  More about tantrums here: https://www.justaskalice.org/2018/04/15/tantrums-loud-giant-frustrating/

Here’s to more peace in your household!


Author and Parent Coach
©2016 Alice Hanscam

Story Time! Two young boys…

A story for you that I hope puts a smile on your face!

Two boys, ages 4 and 6. A mom who works from home. A dad who travels regularly. A new dog, a small and somewhat (!!) effective fenced yard. And a family who takes screen time and makes it minimal time. Oh, and balls. Lots and lots and lots of balls. Add in two relatively unknown visitors landing at their home–“Uncle” Mike and Alice (yup, me!). Two nights and two days and so much to appreciate!

What did I notice and appreciate?

The natural reservation of Mr. 6-year-old. Watching and absorbing these two visitors…and then discovering with total glee that “Uncle” Mike would play ball no matter the rain outside. The abundance of hugs from Mr. 4-year-old who raced outside along with his brother to bat and throw and run and laugh.

Two very different approaches and both honored and respected. No pushing for Mr. 6-year-old–he was always given time to warm up on his OWN time. Equally so was the matter-of-fact welcoming of all the hugs his brother liked to give others…no extra attention to one way of being or another. Just both accepted, respected, enjoyed. Sometimes puzzled over…

Those ball games in the rain? They began with a bat and soft ball. I do believe it was way more fun to actually chase the errant ball that seemed to always get “hit out of the park” and over the fence. Racing through the gate to discover where it landed was as much fun as swinging the bat.

And when the ball(s) couldn’t be found? No worries. There was always another ball to use! Then there was the “toss the ball” game, way up high in the air, calling out each other’s names to run and catch and tag. A football and a soccer ball appeared next and yet another game of catch and giggles and running and wrestling matches followed. Always wrestling matches.

Indoors? It was Alice’s camera-you know, the kind that only takes photos and has only a viewfinder? Remember those? Each boy had many-a-turn slinging the strap over their necks (“I’ll be careful, Alice!”) and working at using a viewfinder–Mr. 6 figured it out immediately and of course his favorite photo he took was of his dog’s rear end… 🙂 Fits of giggles!

Mr. 4? Oh the difficulty of squinting and viewing just through that little window at the top of the camera–yet his delight in all his photos–whether they were of the ceiling or the floor or a partial body caught accidentally as he clicked away. Never was he disappointed or frustrated--he just kept working at figuring out the view finder. Talk about persistence! 

I know what struck me the most as I delighted in my time with this young family…

The calm nature of mom even when she was stressed and how her calm permeated everything. She works on this, by the way. It is the gift of growing your ability to PAUSE.

The space for the boys to just, well, be boys.

The simplicity of the play that always unfolded as a result of no screens. Playing catch outside, running running running, pushing toy planes around on the kitchen floor, working with my camera, and always weaving throughout their play the wrestling matches.

What a gift to these boys that Mom and Dad have intentionally kept things simple.

What a way to grow intrinsically motivated, problem solving,

creative and imaginative thinkers–kids who can be real learners all through life. Truly capable and competent.


And yes. There are frustrations. Plenty. From “NO. I don’t WANT to”  to all the NOISE of BOYS and a mama just tired of it all. From Dad still discovering that telling his 6-year-old to do something doesn’t work quite as well as asking him what he can do. Especially when they are trying to get out the door on time.

Then there was Mr. 4’s attempt to carry the dog in his kennel down the stairs. That ended in tears. And everyone, dog included, okay. But really, all that was about was his excitement in sharing their new addition, their dog, with “Uncle” Mike and Alice! Excitement and belief in his capable and competent self.

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

A story to hopefully put a smile on your face.To remind you of how important simple things are for kids. To encourage you a bit more in letting your child(ren) just be. To play. To have balls and sticky notes and a real camera on occasion. And to work hard at PAUSING and breathing and maybe just sitting and folding laundry as the chaos surrounds you.

With JOY and appreciation,

Author and Parent Coach
©2018 Alice Hanscam

YES, my MAD button gets pushed…

Know what I do when my MAD button is pushed?

You know, the times I’m RIGHT and my child needs to behave accordingly? I get louder. And LOUDER…more insistent. Heated up. I yell–or at least raise my voice.” I often get into that “controlled” (?!) angry place. Because they have to listen, right? AND behave. Of course, that rarely works. Or if it does work it is at the cost of our relationship–it becomes relationship depleting rather than relationship building.

You know what I often do when my ANXIOUS button gets pushed?

I check out. You know, when something comes up with your kids that just makes you over the top anxious or worried or really, really uncomfortable? I hide. I check out. I disappear into the bathroom or head outside in the hopes it will all fix itself and go away.

It feels like a PAUSE, but really, it is a “scream”–for instead of taking care of my anxiety and letting my calm confidence and connection lead the way, I very loudly in a very quiet way say, “I cannot handle how uncomfortable this is making me feel, so you cannot count on me to walk alongside you and your troubles and help you discover what you can do…”  I disappear and feel incredibly relieved when it (seemingly) resolves itself. At least temporarily resolves itself. Funny how the situation always rears its head once again and in a bigger way the next time around.

This checking out? It really doesn’t communicate our confidence in our children (or ourselves). It really doesn’t help our kids figure out a bit more how to really manage their feelings or behavior. It really doesn’t do anything but temporarily ease anxiety and deplete the relationship a little bit more.

And require it all to happen again and often in a bigger way because we really didn’t learn anything the first time around.

Basically it is pushing my PAUSE button without

pushing PLAY once again.

This PAUSE I continually encourage in you (and me)? It requires stepping back into the challenge or conflict or uncomfortable situation–but this time with calm connection focused on and leading the way so you can respond instead of react.

And yes, sometimes your “stepping back in” IS waiting to see what unfolds–and instead of checking out you are now tuning in, listening, paying attention–instead of tuning out. You are being a responsive and connected parent even if you stay quiet. Your kids can tell. YOU can tell the difference between checking out because of anxiety or pausing to stay focused and listening. Very different experiences.

THIS is what PAUSE is all about–it now becomes

relationship building.

It helps us to get a bit better at managing OUR feelings (anxiety!), and let’s us role-model for our children just what it is like to be a mature adult. Or at least acting as such 🙂 . It communicates, “I can handle how you feel and how you behave. We will be okay.” What a powerful message of security to a child that the most mature one CAN handle the least mature’s behavior! With this feeling of security, a child can more likely handle themselves a bit better and challenging situations can spiral up a bit less.

This kind of PAUSE communicates, “You can count on me to

keep it together no matter what you do.”


What a way to build trust–to give a child the space to bounce around in all their BIG feelings knowing, without a doubt, that you will hold that space for them. What a way to (eventually) become the resource your future teen will turn to when the going gets tough because they CAN count on you and trust you.

So if you are like me and find you check out and tune out in the hopes that everything will work itself out, PAUSE right now and consider just what works best for you to calm your own anxiety and push your play button once again.

For me, it is first allowing myself to check out. Then I pause and breathe–deeply–in and out. What a physical calming that creates! Then I think about how I really want this uncomfortable situation to “look”–what I want my kids to learn, what I hope they walk away from it understanding, how I want to feel as a result.

I take a moment to find a memory–however old–of when I DID feel that calm confidence and connection despite anxiety–or maybe just felt the calm confidence and connection, period.

Then on goes my “calm confidence” hat–often acting as if initially, and step back into the uncomfortable situation with the gentle confidence I know I CAN feel and the calm connection my children need the most from me. From there,I trust. I trust what I say, I trust that my kids are doing and experiencing just what they need to in order to learn and grow the most.

I listen better (not perfectly, but better). I try to stop myself from solving what I see as the problem. I let go of solutions and look instead to the next step. I bite my tongue and try not to interrupt as they pour out their feelings and ideas and upset. That can be incredibly difficult…                                

I definitely make sure I’m in no hurry–I have learned that no matter the time crunch involved, things are far more successful if I just plunk myself down in the midst of the upset and wait it out by joining in alongside. Calmly. With that gentle confidence and calm connection hat in place. I stay present.

And again, I trust. I trust that nothing can take away the fact I AM their parent–the calm guide I intend to be. I trust in that space PAUSE gave me and is giving them. I use a lot of encouraging self-talk to keep myself in this space. A lot.

And it works. It gets “easier” each time I succeed. It can for you, too. You, too, can use PAUSE to step back, get calm and clear, and then re-connect and respond. You can tip the balance from checking out to tuning in. You can–I know, because I am doing it, too.

Find Alice’s books here!

I wanted to share so you know the work you are doing I am doing as well. This is what our parenting journeys are all about–growing ourselves as we parent our children with the calm confidence and connection they need the most. There is no end to this growth–we just get to keep getting better and stronger and tipping the balance towards more and more relationship-building experiences. For that is what it is all about. Relationships.

Let’s start today focusing on PAUSE and the calm connection that can follow as we step back into the play of things.


Thinking of each of you…

Author and Parent Coach

©2019 Alice Hanscam

All During Preschool Drop-off…

Moments caught and enjoyed today…

…The bright eyed 3.5 year old sharing with me her “sharing bag” for preschool. “I brought my ball!! Daddy blew it up cuz it was squishy and now it is hard…”  all while squeezing extra hard the round shape tucked in her preschool sharing bag. “My muscles are growing!!”  And off she danced carrying her bundle down the hall, eyes all a-twinkle…

…The toddler trooping in alongside brother and friend and mama to drop them off at preschool...his head cranked backwards as he found everything BEHIND him of much greater interest then what was in front of him. Tripping, plopping, up and trooping, always always with his head turned backwards… 🙂

…The HUGS as new-found-friends are re-discovered once again, as only preschoolers can do.  The DELIGHT with which they greet each other leaves one thinking it had been years…rather than a day or two! 

…The papas and mamas who all stopped in front of the preschool’s info board to read to their children what was happening in class that day. “Elephant valentines!” And off they’d go musing over just what an elephant valentine might be…

…The cling-on preschooler as mama tried to extract herself...“I see a post office! Would you like to go work on some letters to mail there? Or maybe bounce on the mini tramp…”  Her efforts were seemingly futile as her child continued to wrap her arms around her legs, fussing and whining…until…ZOOM a buddy went zipping by on a trike and off went the little girl to climb on another trike and join in on the driving-round-and-round fun…and mama left with a smile on HER face!

…The mama of twin toddlers who, following drop off of her older child, took the necessary moments to sit with them in the free play area and let them explore. What a delight watching them immerse themselves, mama fully present and quietly watching…and then when it really was time to go, they agreeably trotted off and out the door. Despite the fact mama had a ton of errands to run and a tight time frame, she knew by pausing long enough to give them their time, HER time would go so much better :-).

Find Alice’s books here!

Moments caught and enjoyed as preschool drop off continued. Boots being stomped to get the fresh snow off, lots of questions and conversations shared even as parents were rushing, turns taken as every single child wanted to be the door-opener-button-pusher. What a wonderful way to start MY day…so many smiles.

Enjoy your day! I am.


Author and Parent Coach

©2017 Alice Hanscam

The Magic of Respect

You know the cool thing about respectful interactions?

All the amazing things that emerge…

…babies who actively participate in care-giving routines–perhaps via closing their eyes and scrunching up their faces when you ask, “I’m going to pull your shirt on, now, are you ready?,” or picking up their legs, ready for the clean diaper, or working that spoonful of pureed carrots in and all around their mouth and face, followed by sucking and smooshing a wet wash cloth until their pureed carrots are all gone from their cheeks–all by themselves.

What a way to grow their capable and competent selves. 

…toddlers who are willing to stop what they are doing and come with you right away because most of the time you respect what they are working on and give them the time they need to finish. Toddlers who actually consider what you are saying and asking…and then nod happily and join in with the job. Pretty neat, the more we respect them, the more they listen and cooperate.

…older children who feel confident and in charge of themselves (so essential for a healthy self-esteem and identity come teen years!) because all along mom and dad have respected their limits, their feelings.  You know, all those tickling, rough housing, pillow fights, peek-a-boo games we love to keep going? Our stopping when our child indicates they’ve had enough communicates our respect for their ability to manage themselves, know their own feelings, be in charge of their bodies.

…children able to self-direct, to know and then decide what they want to do and do it--their ideas, their way. Like pouring 32 cups of tea for their stuffed teddy that evolves to dressing up in a cape as they fly around the house to flopping on the pile of pillows to immerse themselves in a book.

Or spending 20 minutes trying to coordinate broom and dustpan and pile of dirt, getting frustrated, trying again, finding out the dirt spills off when they angle the pan wrong, trying again…getting frustrated…flopping on the floor…playing in the pile of dirt…then up and trying AGAIN.

Our affirmations and quiet presence as they move through the frustrations communicates our respect for the job they are doing; for their own ideas and decisions.

When we respect our child enough to keep

interruptions minimal, they have the opportunity to grow

themselves as a self-directed individual.

They now have the opportunity to truly learn what they like and don’t like, what they can and cannot do, to persevere, to think creatively, to discover how they feel…what a gift for their entire future, school and otherwise! And way less whining and “I’m bored!” to push your buttons, making our job a tad bit easier :-).

…young children saying, “I frusserated!” “STOP, I don’t like that!” “I need a hug.” “Mommy, I’m MAD at you!” rather than tantrums, melt-downs, hitting and biting. With our respectful affirmations and naming of their feelings without trying to fix them, our children learn to manage them selves–with words, stomping feet, withdrawing into their blankies…all the while working on learning just what we hope–appropriate expression of all those big feelings. Respect allows for this.

…cooperative behavior more often than not-the more we are respectful, the more cooperative our children become. They feel safe, heard, understood. We’ve communicated how they can count on us to keep it together even when they cannot.

They know for sure that how they feel, what they think, and what they are interested in doing is important to you–and when anyone feels that way they are much more likely to listen, compromise, collaborate.  To create those win/win solutions.

With respect in place, you are more likely to

nurture the growth of a self-directed, focused, persevering,

creative, problem solving, cooperative and collaborative

strong future teen and adult.

Find Alice’s books here!


What more could we ask for?


Author and Parent Coach

©2019 Alice Hanscam

Rocky Relationships…

A story of contrast for you.

A national park. Steep cliffs. Overlooks accessible to anyone, with signs indicating extreme care to be taken because of the drop-offs.

A mom and a six-year-old. Let’s call her Susannah. Mom and daughter cruising around on the rocks, mom taking photos, as were all who were absorbing the incredible beauty.

Susannah, being six and curious and unable to keep her dancing feet still, bounced all over the rocky overlook. Very near the steep drop-offs. VERY near.  Mom, still taking photos, calling over her shoulder, Susannah come here. Susannah, not so close! Susannah, I want you next to me. Come here right now. Susannah, one, two, three…listen to me!”

Susannah? “I’m just stopping right here, mom! I want to go over there. Mom! Can you see me? Mom! Look at me!!”

Mom, still taking photos and calling over her shoulder for her daughter to stay closer to her–all to no avail and all to increasing concern to those others also enjoying the over look. Mom’s anxiety increased, her frustrations communicated, her anger felt…and her words continue to fly over her shoulder with no follow-through other than more words. Her daughter totally and completely ignored her words and kept vying for her attention.

(Yes, ultimately all ended well, with the child safe and sound).

Fast forward 20-minutes and to another beautiful overlook with steep cliffs and drop-offs. A father with a three-year-old sitting together out on one of the outcrops–not entirely near the edge, but still rather edgy .  As he said, his wife didn’t like where they were sitting…(dads just seem to do it differently…)  

Father: “See out over there? All those canyons? Water carved them. Lots and lots of water whooshed through all this rock a really long time ago and left it carved just like this.”

Three-year-old: “Daddy, I can see the WHOLE world from here!”

Daddy had his three-year-old sitting on his lap with his arms snug around her when I approached and offered to take a photo of them together, with the backdrop the intensely beautiful and deep canyons all around. He accepted, and then the two moved off their rock and offered to do the same for my husband and me.

But first, here is what he said to his preschooler:

Honey, I need you to go up to those rocks there and sit still while I take a photo.”  He watched calmly as his little one headed right over to the safe rocks to sit. “Can you look with just your eyes for a little brown lizard who might come visit while you sit still?”  Eyes got BIG and his three-year-old froze on the rocks, with just her eyes moving…

A photo of my husband and me was taken, a little girl sat tight in a safe place, and daddy and she, following his thank you to her for listening and being safe, skipped hand-in-hand up the trail to their parked car.

A story of contrast.

The mom in my first story was truly letting her anxiety over wanting desperately to control Susannah without having to actually control Susannah become a very serious safety issue. Because of mom’s anxiety–as seen both by her “checking out” as she continued to focus on her camera rather than following through with her words and going to her daughter to hold her hand and keep her close–Susannah really didn’t know where she stood in the scheme of things.  Mom was saying one thing and doing something entirely different.

Susannah was trying hard to get mom to

connect with her and mom was trying hard to have Susannah mind without having to do the work it requires. Ultimately, there was a complete DIS-connect.


I get this–the desire to have our children under control without doing the hard work of actually controlling them. It’s hard, this  guiding them in a gently firm way to help them learn that in some places hands just need to be held, and bodies aren’t allowed to go just anywhere. I get how hard it is. It requires a commitment from us that oftentimes can be exhausting.  Interruptive, even, as we try to do things that perhaps WE want to do.

I also know I was seeing a relationship that probably was rocky without the current rocks they were on.

I heard the nag factor. I heard the bribing. I heard the anxiety and fear and frustration and anger. I heard the desire for connection and attention and I saw the testing that emerged as a result of a lack of connection and attention.

And I saw how, when we try so hard to make our kids NOT do something, we actually increase the likelihood they will do it. Hence a 6-year-old dancing near the edge of a VERY steep drop-off.

Dad in the second story demonstrated exactly the

kind of relating that has a child listening, exhibiting self-control, learning–all because dad was calm, clear, and gently firm.


He knew clearly the extent he could trust his little one. He focused on calm connection. He LIVED calm connection. He spoke with quiet confidence with his daughter; he asked of her just what he knew he could expect from her. AND he kept a close and watchful eye.

His daughter? She could trust him. She could count on what he said he meant and would do. She heard his confidence in HER that he had and she wanted very much to be that capable little one he knew she could be. He never told her what NOT to do and instead told her exactly what she COULD do. And she did.

What a tribute to the

power of calm connection,

of being clear and confident

in what you do.


Or at least working towards clarity and confidence!  And what a way to have me wanting even more to support, encourage, and empower each of you so you can experience more confidence, connection, cooperation and JOY in your parenting journey.

What a difference. I keep thinking about this and about how I hope Susannah’s mom finds the support and encouragement she needs in order to calm her anxiety down and feel more confident as a parent before a real crisis occurs. If I could have, I would have stepped in and offered something–perhaps my appreciation for how she was feeling, my understanding of how scary it is to see your child so near to danger. It wasn’t the time or place. And the Ranger was there, Susannah ultimately was safe.

And yet, I continue to think about this mom and her daughter, mom feeling what could only be a growing discontent in how her relationship with her daughter was unfolding.

Today, I encourage you to work hard at pausing. At acting-as-if you are calm and confident if you don’t actually feel it yet.

Recall times you have felt this way for what we focus on grows. Put your attention to letting calm connection lead the way–it is powerful. So much real learning and relationship-building things can unfold as a result!  Work at it just a little bit harder today, right now, or maybe tonight when you have the support of your spouse or partner or the comfort of being home rather than out in public. Do what YOU can to slow down enough to PAUSE, settle a bit, and then respond to your button-pushing child.

No matter when you practice leading with calm connection,

know what a relationship-building difference it can make.


Find all of Alice’s books here!

And know that, as you practice a PAUSE and pay attention to the calm you CAN feel, it will get easier bit by bit. What a gift to you, your child, to ALL of your relationships.

Thinking of all of you today as you strive to parent well!

Author and Parent Coach

©2017  Alice Hanscam

Appreciate Yourself

A PAUSE today to send out appreciation to each of you as you:

…yet again shove shoes on your uncooperative child to get them out the door with the hopes of being no later than you already are…

stumble through your day following another sleep deprived night

…choose to let your baby cry safely in their crib for a few minutes while you take a much needed and deserved FAST hot shower

…marvel at your ability to catch the falling glass, rescue the pacifier from your dog’s mouth, put yourself between your fighting kids, and STILL keep a calm voice in the midst of it all…not to mention the gymnastics required to do all of this

…plunk your kids in front of a DVD so you can actually breathe for a short while (and maybe get dinner started…or put your feet up?)

...find yourself heating up as your teen rolls their eyes, shrugs their shoulders, uses THAT tone of voice  

…successfully plan ahead for all potential ’emergencies’ before heading out on errands and to the park–you know, the snacks are made, the extra clothes packed, water bottles filled, baby wipes remembered, your wallet tucked where it needs to be…

…choosing to order pizza or nuke leftovers for the 3rd night this week–maybe with a few carrot sticks alongside. Maybe.

…actually have a twinkle in your eye as your toddler does the testing only toddlers can do

…manage week number three of illness running through your household–more runny noses, fevers, grumpy kids, throw-up to clean up, doctor appointments…and how you’ve put aside any or all of your original plans for these weeks as you focus solely on getting everyone back on their feet. Exhausting.

…open your arms to your wailing preschooler, giving them a safe place to feel their great big sad.

…wonder how you are going to make it through another day of crazy-busy…and then discover at the end of the day you did just that–made it through!

Appreciate your self. Find the gifts in it all–the chaos, the mad, the frustration, the twinkles, the successes, the challenges, the laughter. Appreciate your resilience, your efforts at planning, your compassion. Appreciate the time you carve out just for you so you can parent well–even if that means plugging your kids in for a bit or taking an extra minute in the hot shower while your little one cries.

Appreciate how TOUGH this parenting job can be and that you are still in it, moving through each day, juggling the often overwhelming nature of it all. Appreciate how you get daily (hourly!) opportunities to strengthen your patience, calm, creative, pause muscles. Appreciate the opportunities for do-overs…or those moments you actually stop yourself in the midst of blowing up, pause, reflect, and try again. Appreciate the deep caring all of this reflects–the deep caring and commitment you have for your children. What a gift.

Find Alice’s books here!

What an amazing role model you can be for your children. Know this. And appreciate all your work. PAUSE today and give yourself a hug in your minds-eye. Wrap yourself up in your arms, tell yourself some things you are appreciating about yourself, and cherish YOU.

Appreciation out to each of my readers as you embrace your parenting journey today…


Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam



This is for YOU

I know. Really, I do. This pausing deal is extra hard–because really, it means taking even MORE time to do something. MORE time in order to respond to your child. And time? You don’t have much.

And then there’s what you keep hearing--Self-Care!

But taking ANY time for YOU is impossible. How many times do you hear “Self-Care!” and you cringe? Thinking…”Yeah, right. Self-care. As if. And even just thinking about time for me leaves me feeling even more overwhelmed and stressed!”

Parenting is HARD. Exhausting. Constant.

Would you like to feel better? Would you like to be able to say, “I DID do something for me and it left me actually feeling BETTER?”

Would you like to know, absolutely KNOW that by taking the moment to PAUSE, you actually end up having MORE time? In time, perhaps, yet definitely MORE time–mostly because as you’ve strengthened your ability to pause, you are now calmer and more connected with your children, and their “need” to act up for your attention dissipates, they actually listen to and hear you, you them…and this all translates to having MORE time. Really!

Same with those 30-second Self-Care deposits you actually CAN do. They add up. And they can leave you feeling like you have more time and that can leave you feeling a bit more relaxed…less overwhelmed. It’s a paradox, for sure, taking a bit of time and actually creating more time. And it’s surprisingly real. Maybe because, as you feel a bit better from knowing you’ve done something just for you, you have a bit more resilience. Pep. A lighter outlook to your day. Or maybe as you find you do something just for you, you discover its okay to let go of a few things, to relax a bit about the mess and chaos, go with the flow just a tad more.

So HOW do you get better at pausing and depositing into your Self-Care Savings Account? Here’s where I encourage you to take a look at both of my books. Kindle or the actual books. They are journaling style, so I like having the real thing–to write in and flip through. Kindle’s good, too, though .

They can be found on Amazon–right here: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2…

I hope you’ll take a look. They are short. Easy to read and feel encouraged and lifted even if you can only read one page at a time. Share with others. Write me a review on Amazon. That’s always appreciated! Discover how you really can create the kinds of positive change you want the most AND no longer be overwhelmed. At least most of the time :-).

Find Alice’s books here!

Today you CAN pause. You CAN take care of you. You CAN feel so so much better.

You are worth it. And so are your children.

Author and Parent Coach

All Eyes Upon You

Back-arching, jello legs, hitting, yelling, kicking, sobbing, throwing. A true melt-down or tantrum in progress, not very pretty nor fun and all while:

...in the middle of the cereal aisle in the grocery store–maybe with various items launching themselves out of the cart like one parent mentioned of recent regarding a jar of orange juice…and another, a jar of salsa…

...visiting your in-laws…you know, the ones who often leave you feeling less than adequate as a parent…

…exploring the museum that you finally got your courage up enough to take your child to because you REALLY wanted to show them the cool child-centered, hands-on exhibits that all your friends say are a must to see…

…at the restaurant squeezed into a tiny booth surrounded by dozens of other people enjoying their meals…enough said.

...all places publicyou name it!

All eyes upon you. Embarrassment. Anxiety. Maybe even anger–the kind that leaves your hand twitching, as one dad recently said. It feels like judging eyes, critical eyes, eyes that are saying, “Control your child!” “What a brat, can’t you make her behave?” “At least MY kids are minding.”

You can FEEL the negativity emanating from all the adults watching as you desperately try to “get our child to behave” (meaning, to stop melting down…).

You’ve been there in some fashion or another–I know, because I have, too. It is a common theme for parents.

Just think, what could be different if, in those moments, all the eyes upon you were sending you support, understanding, and encouragement?


What if instead of feeling all that negative energy we actually feel accepting, affirming, uplifting energy?  What if all eyes upon us were really communicating, Oh yes, it is TOUGH when our kids lose it in public!” “I can see how mad she is that you had to say no to what she wanted.” “He really is done with sitting still!” “My little one had her tantrum right in the middle of my friend’s wedding!” “When your husband was a little guy, he did EXACTLY the same thing. I remember feeling really frustrated about it!”

What could be different?

I believe you’d be able to feel calmer, more patient, and maybe even be able to allow your child the space (maybe away from the broken orange juice and salsa jars or the popular museum exhibit) to continue melting down until they felt calmer once again.

I believe you’d feel the kind of support and encouragement that has you feeling bolstered, empowered, part of a team–even with strangers, or maybe especially with strangers. A team that can truly move through this big upset with grace. Confidence (yours) could lead the way–confidence that “This, too, shall pass”, that “My child is learning a bit more about his feelings and how to manage them and I know I can help him”, that “I CAN move through this positively…”

I believe things could be very, very different. Today look upon another parent’s potentially embarrassing, anxiety producing moment and send them thoughts of compassion, understanding, encouragement. Intentionally think thoughts of “I get it! I know you can make it through this.” “Your little one is having a tough time and I understand.” “Hmmm, I wonder what I could do or say that could help this parent the most?”

And then, if inspired to do so, step into the fray and let this over the top stressed parent KNOW you understand, appreciate the BIG feelings–theirs and their child’s.  Offer a helping hand with a quiet cheerfulness. Or maybe just meet their eyes and give them an encouraging smile–one that says, “I’m comfortable in your child’s melt down, it is okay.”  Whew. What a relief that can be, to have another let you know they are comfortable in the big discomfort you are in the midst of.

Just think, what could be different today, right now, if all the eyes upon you were encouraging, understanding, appreciating? What could be different if you felt the comfort of support that says, “It will be okay”?

Find Alice’s books here!

What a way to take care of each other; to grow compassion all around. What a way to take care of ourselves, as we intentionally focus on being supported, appreciated, encouraged. We all deserve this kindness and compassion—it allows us to be our better selves. Truly the self-care we need the most.

What a gift to our children, others, and ourselves.


Respectfully and appreciatively,

Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

To All Parents…

“You should tell him NO. He’s being so disrespectful!”

“Just don’t LET her talk back to you! She should know better…(and so should you!)”

“I’m just so TIRED. And confused. How do I get my kids to listen and cooperate?”

“When YOU were little we never let you get away with that!”

“You should…you better…of you don’t…you should do what I did…MY kids don’t…”

Sage advice from Grandma, your best friend, a neighbor…given rather freely and done to help you get through something difficult–and you have tried it all. You’ve tried to be patient like they’ve said. You’ve tried sticking to certain consequences, making certain rules, forcing them to comply. You’ve read books, followed parenting Facebook pages, tried to copy other parents you are impressed by.

You wonder if you are doing it all wrong…or that you are just a lousy parent and should just throw in the towel and live with the way it is, no matter how crummy it feels. Just live with the overwhelmed, frustrating, TIRED. Just live with your buttons constantly getting pushed, yelling the name of the game, guilt swallowing you whole at times.

Sound familiar? Here’s the good news: You CAN feel better.    

This is why I do the work I do. Check out both of my books and my blog. Why?

Because my work is less about advice and way more about DISCOVERY followed by positive and meaningful CHANGE. Discovering what really is working well for you and your children. Looking at things from a different vantage point that can leave you feeling encouraged…empowered…even inspired to create the change you want the most (and definitely putting more smiles on your face).

My work is about growing your ability to tap into what works for YOU and your children–rather than what works for your neighbor, grandma, your best friend–or me! To tap into YOUR strengths, appreciate YOUR child’s abilities, and create the positive and productive and meaningful change you really want.

To feel confident you are parenting WELL.

My books are filled with stories of others walking a similar path as you and will leave you feeling inspired (and relieved!).

They are filled with do-able and practical steps that can be tailored to fit you and the way you do things. They can be the “partner” you need to work alongside you to build the kind of family life and relationships you truly want rather than telling you what to do.

They are warm, encouraging, easy to read, and can leave you feeling far more confident and clear and empowered along your journey as a parent. And just think! I’m a Facebook or blog message away as you have questions, stumble, work hard, want to share….

“Parenting Inspired; Finding Grace in the Chaos, Confidence in Yourself, and Gentle Joy along the Way”

“PAUSE: The Power of Parenting (and Living) with Calm Connection”

“Parenting Through Relationship; Ideas and inspiration to help you be the parent you intend to be”

Know that both are written so only a few minutes of reading before you fall sound asleep is enough to leave you feeling the support and encouragement you need the most. Real and lasting change takes time and deserves the respect of time. So take time today–spend a few minutes reading…that’s all.

Find Alice’s books here!

You CAN feel better. What a gift to your children!      

Author and Parent Coach

You CAN.

How would it be for you to be able to authentically say and feel:

“Our family enjoys light-hearted, warm, respectful times together. We stay calm and considerate as we listen carefully and work together as a team. Our son is responsible, competent, and productive as he moves through his school year.”

Or maybe…

“I am a confident and calming influence on my children as I encourage their growth as cooperative, caring, fun, and capable individuals. We are joyful and connected as a family.” (both quotes from “Parenting Inspired…”)

Maybe you’re chuckling a bit as you read these, thinking how unrealistic they are for YOUR family and the chaos and challenges in front of you.

Maybe you are wondering if anyone actually LIVES like this. (They do, by the way. Both those statements? Real families. Real struggles that evolved to real and positive change.)

Maybe you wish, sincerely WISH for a family life and relationships that leave you feeling exactly like these.

You can. Live like this, that is. You can have a calmer household, feel confident in your self, enjoy family life a whole lot more, support your child as they become responsible, productive, caring individuals.

You can. It takes work. It takes pausing, often, it takes clarity in just what you want the most and intention as you stay focused on just what you can do to influence the growth of all that you really hope for.

This can help you: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1502804484

It can help you move through the reactive hour by hour you are living trying to keep your head above water and instead feel stronger, more confident, really enjoying calmer and more connected relationships with your kids.

It can empower you to create the kind of relationships and family life you want. So check it out. “Parenting Inspired…” It’s an easy, encouraging, feel good read. Really .

And be sure to let me know your thoughts as you work at creating the positive change you want the most. I care.

With JOY and appreciation,

Author and Parent Coach

Tired, hungry, and four! A story for you…

A story for you.

A 4-year-old, crowded restaurant, business being done among 30 adults with Mr. 4 being the one and only child. Oh. And pancakes and bacon, too. Eventually.

Dinner time. Food coming ever-so-slowly. His hunger ramped up (and was helped a bit by a snack..), his tired self getting more tired, and the buzz of conversation all around swallowing him up.

Can you see where this might be going? What would you expect from a hungry, tired, 4-year-old surrounded by adults and watching food being served all around…?

Mr. 4 initially was telling stories, drawing with pen and paper, sucking down his water and having fun with his straw. He busily shed his coat (keep in mind, 4’s are still learning all those buttons, snaps, and zippers…and armholes!), discussed important 4-year-old matters with those closest to him (like how many pancakes can YOU eat?)…

…and then he began to ramp up. In subtle ways. The quick “raspberry” with his tongue right in your face. The big, bigger, biggest kick and arm flail as he described something. Voice escalating.

And here is where a real difference can be made.   

Here’s where we can EITHER get a bit agitated ourselves, worried he might act up further, stress over WHEN is his food COMING and then find ourselves saying, “Cut it out. Stop. It’s not nice blowing raspberries in my face. Keep your feet to yourself. Lower your voice, you are in a restaurant….”

And if we do that, most likely any Mr. 4 would respond louder. BIGGER. Maybe hit. Or kick more. Or melt-down all the way. We’d be even more frustrated. Embarrassed. DONE. Things would probably just continue to deteriorate until the Mr. 4 is hauled out to the car and you just leave. Still frustrated. Maybe mad. Pretty much all around relationship-depleting, with everyone focused on all the YUCK and a Mr. 4 still hungry and tired and completely unable to learn much of anything at this point.

OR we could PAUSE.

And then recognize quickly how our Mr. 4 is at that precarious place with hunger, tired, and all-things-adult around him, and without saying a word about the ramping up, engage him in what you know will help him wait further and manage himself successfully. Remember, what we focus on grows.

Such as…when that raspberry was blown directly in your face? Gently put your hand between your face and his, look beyond him to something you can spot in the restaurant and say, “I have an idea! Let’s go find the…” and then get up ready to roll…preschoolers often cue right into the “What? what can we find? I bet I can!”  All raspberries-in-the-faces forgotten.

Or when the flailing and kicking happen (remember, this isn’t a meltdown flail and kick, this is a “I need attention!” maneuver), YOUR attention goes to “It is hard to be waiting so long! I need to move my body, too. Let’s go walking and see if we can spot the chef making YOUR pancakes!” And off you go on what is sure to be an adventure, moving bodies in just the right ways.

Instead of “correcting his behavior (mostly so you’d feel better…), you let a PAUSE step up, an awareness for the precarious place your Mr. 4 is in, and intentionally put your attention on what would be okay for a preschooler to do as they do the hard work of waiting. And ultimately? Your Mr. 4 now learns a bit about how to wait the long wait. That special-to-him adults recognize how tough it is and will partner along with him to make this hard a bit easier. That there are ways to move and talk and BE in a restaurant that are okay and help burn some of the tired-of-waiting energy.

What a difference that can be made by how WE decide to respond to our child’s potential “acting up.”

What a difference was made with this Mr. 4 who, even though he was all those things–tired, hungry, swallowed up by lots of talking adults–discovered, because of the decisions certain adults made around him, that he COULD be the very last one served his food…and Mr. 4 was, ultimately, the LAST one served.

And he learned, as did all of the delighted adults around him, that he could manage himself just fine, thank you. All because of the simple steps of pausing, staying calm and engaged, focusing very little on the ramping up and much, much more on just the right ways to help him wait.

Find Alice’s books here!

And boy, did those pancakes and bacon disappear off of HIS plate lickety-split!

Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

That Scary Stick Horse…

Noticed, appreciated, and ever so enjoyed:

~ The gentle and respectful introduction of a scary and at times noisy stick-horse (you know, those yard long sticks with a big furry head on top, then add squeezing the ears for a “trot trot” and “neigh neigh” sound?) to a certain 15-month-old in my life. Watching his Mama first ask her little guy if he’d like to see the horse and ***pausing*** as she waited for him to mull it over. And mull he did. He’d had a startling experience once upon a time with this very same Scary Horse, and he’d been quite wary of it since. Mama continued to PAUSE and wait quietly.

Toddler looked at her, the Scary Horse, and back to her and proceeded to BOUNCE up and down.

“You would like to see the horse!” And then Mama s-l-o-w-l-y brought Scary Horse closer, watching with care.

Concern spread across toddler’s face, Mama slowed down further.

You’re not sure how close you’d like him to come,” she said.

Relief spread across this little guy’s face. He relaxed and Scary Horse came all the way over and out stretched the toddler’s hand to touch the soft face. Now he even wanted to hear the “trot trot trot” and “neigh neigh” sound–as long as Mr. Horse was moving BACK to where he belonged in the corner of a room. What a wonderfully respectful way to grow confidence in a little guy. He was in charge of what he felt and Mama respected this. He was communicating clearly, and Mama respected this. I bet next time he is just a bit more comfortable with Mr. Horse, for he is no longer Scary Horse!

~ The first grader who shared his new deck of Pokeman cards with a favorite adult. Despite a fun movie (Inside Out!) being enjoyed together, it was the Pokeman cards that were number one in his life–he spent the entire movie laying out the cards on the floor in rows of ten, talking constantly about each one, what they meant, and then ordering them by how they “evolve.” Now and then he’d pause, climb up next to his adult and snuggle, with a few cards in hand to talk about, all the while watching the movie and saying “I won’t tell you what happens because I don’t want to spoil it for you, but…” and on he’d go with what happens! Then off the couch to re-organize his cards once again…The perpetual motion, the curiosity, the imagination, the conversation…oh, the fun! Having the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with a 6.5 year old is something to cherish…

~ The almost 5-year-old who immersed himself in an imaginative game of “I’m the kitty and YOU are the owner!” This ‘kitty?’ Slurped up the water in a bowl, rolled and crawled around the house, scratched on the kitty scratching post, fetched sticks (?!!), enjoyed crumbled up muffins in another bowl–YUM! Kitty food! On and on he scrambled around the house, mewing and purring and if he’d had a tail, it would have been happily swishing away!

His total engagement with his game, the joy of an adult joining in just how HE dictated, and his ability to flow with the interruptions of his 3-year-old brother, the adults who wanted to talk, the cooking that needed tending...all spoke to the wonderful way his parents have given him the time and space to be. To play. To imagine. To be in charge of himself. What a joy!  This kitty can come play at my house any time :-).

Find Alice’s books here!

Take time today to notice and appreciate. Whether it is a parent working hard at keeping it together or a child’s antics that put a smile on your face, or a moment caught between parent and child that leaves you feeling a bit of real joy. Notice and appreciate, for what we focus on grows.


Author and Parent Coach

©2018 Alice Hanscam

Let those (ever-so-big and upsetting) feelings FINISH.

“I just have to finish my cry.” (Teacher Tom)

All the way.  Completely.

I truly appreciate this article on Teacher Tom’s blog.  All about sitting with another in an uncomfortable place. This is something our children are ever so good at giving us LOTS of opportunity to do–to grow ourselves as we get better and better at sitting in another’s upset, sad, discomfort without trying to fix or judge or excuse.

This, I believe, is true empathy.It is the ability to step

into another’s shoes, accept their experience and feelings as based

in their truth (not necessarily ours), and connect.

Not fix or judge or excuse, but connect.


This is difficult. We all want those LOUD feelings to just go away–way less embarrassing, uncomfortable, aggravating.

We all want our deeply hurt child to be no longer deeply hurt (and to make sure the person who hurt their feelings so deeply apologizes! Go check out my say your sorry” article! ).  We all want that toy throwing, foot stomping, door slamming, tantrum throwing child (or teen!) to COOL THEIR JETS. Now.  For heaven’s sake hurry up we don’t have time for you to finish your cry completely. Pull it together!

And yet…take a moment and consider the messages we can communicate when we let our anxiety over our child’s big (and very real) feelings get in the way of connecting in a relationship-building way. Consider these:

...”I can’t handle how you are behaving and feeling.”  Whew. For a child to hear that the most mature person cannot handle how the least mature person is feeling–that is truly scary.

...”How you feel doesn’t matter…isn’t important…is not valued…”  Yikes. Probably never what we want to communicate…we ALL want our feelings to matter and be valued–to be heard and understood and welcomed into a safe, loving place…

...”You cannot count on me to keep it together when you are upset…” Talk about rocking a child’s world and undermining the trust on which all is built.

...”You need ME to tell you how you SHOULD be feeling, handling this, thinking, behaving…”  Now there’s an often well-meaning response, but all it really does is undermine our child’s confidence in themselves and ability to manage themselves…and have them turning more and more to others to fix, tell how, think for…

…”How you feel isn’t okay/good/allowed. You need to feel differently (aka, happy)!”  Here’s the deal–as much as “happy” is way easier, if our response to our child’s big upset feelings is to get happy, then we are displacing just what makes us whole and wonderful human beings–our incredible and valuable range of feelings. The more deeply we feel, the more incredible joy and connection is ours to be had.

Okay. So those are some of the messages we give another when we are unable to “let them finish their cry.” Here’s a short story for you I shared initially on Teacher Tom’s post that highlights the power of letting someone finish their cry:

“To be allowed to finish your cry…how essential for all things relationship-building.  I know a young mama whose 16-month-old toddler was VERY upset recently over a vacuum incident and pushed her away as she tried to comfort him. Despite mama feeling devastated that she couldn’t comfort him, she paused…sat herself down across the room from him and waited for him to finish his cry.

She found her self quietly talking to him, affirming his upset, and eventually (maybe for her own comfort!) starting to sing. This had her little guy pausing a bit in his Big Cry…then toddling across the floor to fling himself into her arms and finishing his cry.  Now mama cried as she gratefully comforted her son and realized what a gift she had just given him: an opportunity to FEEL, to discover that he, on his own and by his own choice, could manage his big upset, that he could count on mama to keep herself calm and connected (even from a distance) even though he couldn’t (what a way to feel safe and secure). So much learned…and mama just grew a bit stronger herself, as she managed her own upset!”

I just have to finish my cry. YES. To grow ourselves in such a way that we can sit in another’s discomfort is a real gift for all.

Today, see what works for you to PAUSE in your child’s upset.


Consider letting them “finish their cry completely.” Decide how that might look for you and for your child. Think about empathy…and how, in their truth, whatever pushed their button was worth the big feelings.

Let them know you are there and be a quiet presence for them. Notice what it takes for you–talk to your anxiety, your discomfort, your irritation. Discover what works for you to manage YOUR feelings so your child can learn to manage theirs.

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

And wait. Your child will let you know just when he needs more than your company…or you will know because you’ve waited quietly alongside (or across the room!), staying present and keeping them company and tuned in to just what they need the most. Trust yourself–and value the discomfort YOU are feeling. It is what makes YOU a whole and wonderful human being.

Thank you, Teacher Tom. Your writing resonates, empowers, and inspires.


Author and Parent Coach

©2015 Alice Hanscam

Parenting Success RECIPE!

A Recipe for YOUR Parenting Success

Growing a healthy, ready to learn child and a family that can thrive (from Alice’s Cookbook)


A pinch to many cupfuls of Self-Care
Large amounts of The Three C’s (Calm, Connection, Consistency)
Multiple dollops of Being Bored and Empty Spaces
Infinite helpings of Respect Feelings
Liberal amounts of What We Focus on Grows
Daily and Generous doses of Nature (often found in those Empty Spaces)
Many scoops of Choice
Heaping cupfuls of PAUSE

Mix with care. Let marinate. Allow for a variety of blends depending on amounts of each ingredient. Simmer all through the day. Taste and adjust quantities as necessary. Consider adding other Essential Ingredients such as Light-heartedness and Sense of Humor.

Set oven to “Heartwarming.” Bake for a lifetime.


Find Alice’s books here!

Other additions welcomed to this Recipe for YOUR Success!

Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam

Parenting Success: Being Bored and Empty Spaces

Recipe for Parenting Success, continued. Essential ingredients:

Being Bored and Empty Spaces.

Let your child be bored…instead of rushing in to fill their time with all the cool ideas YOU have (or chores or homework or whatever else is decided they need because they are bored…), PAUSE.

Consider Being Bored an essential ingredient for SUCCESS. It often creates the Empty Space so necessary for a child to reflect, come up with creative ideas, imagine, get lost in play or their ideas or a good book. It helps them discover all kinds of life skills from problem solving to thinking to greater self-awareness. And all of this? It makes YOUR job as a parent easier.

The trick to this ingredient? YOU. Being able to respect boredom as the valuable “empty space” it is. Being able to say to your extra whiny, clingy, MOOOOOOM, I’m BOOOOOORRRRREEEED!” something along the lines of, “Oh? You’re bored. I wonder what you are going to do about that.” And then off you go focusing on all the million and one things you have to accomplish.

Really. That is enough. When they come back at you because they aren’t used to Being Bored, you get to twinkle your eyes at them and continue on with your job.

And when they STILL push push push for you to fill their Empty Space and “fix” their Being Bored, you might find yourself saying, “I remember being bored. I always had fun doing…I wonder what ideas you have.” or maybe you’ll say, “I need another half-an-hour to finish up my work. I’ll check in then and see how you are.”  And because you keep your promises you do check in when you are finished with your work.

Being Bored. A key ingredient for the Recipe for Being a GREAT Parent.

Now add Empty Spaces that have nothing to do with Being Bored. 

Empty Spaces (and this often includes lots of nature…always an essential ingredient!). Time for your child to just BE and follow their thoughts. You, too. You need Empty Spaces….

Here’s where I’ve noticed, appreciated, and definitely enjoyed this essential ingredient of recent:

~ The mama quietly following behind her 2.5-year-old through a local greenery. This little one was concentrating on run-run-running along the brick paths, stopping to gaze at all the color around her, touching flowers oh-so-gently AND with gentle reminders to do so, following the dog who watches over all those beautiful plants, stopping to study dirt on the ground, blooms that had fallen, and more. Appreciated? How mama quietly followed (creating an Empty Space for herself, as well), 100% tuned in. What a way to respect her little one’s exploration. I mentioned my appreciation and when mama said, “We have time to waste!” I HAD to respond with, “There is not a minute being wasted here. What a wonderful and important way to deposit into YOUR child’s fast growing brain and in-charge-of-herself self.” I just couldn’t resist because, well, so MUCH was being learned in this Empty Space of time mama was giving her toddler .

~ The 9-year-old boy, by himself, poking at the boat he made from old branches of a cow parsnip plant. He had collected the hollow and wide stems, tied them together with a bit of string, and was now testing his boat in the run off of melted snow down the culvert on his street. Lost in thought, considering ways to dam up this water to create a deeper pond, pausing to smile and tell me about his ideas. Appreciated? That he was lost in his play, immersed in all things science, and given the time and space to do so–explore his world, hands-on, creative, focused, problem solving. Oh so much being learned in THIS seemingly Empty Space!

~ A certain 7-year-old in my life. Drawing and writing endlessly. Time to do so at length in his home. A mama who intentionally limits “extra-curriculars” and “have-tos” many afternoons following school and gives her son the Empty Space of following his OWN whims (along with a snack, of course ). What unfolds? Total immersement in designing monsters and bird-like creatures, complete with scientific descriptions and stories to accompany. If one is lucky, one gets to hear his stories when he is ready. If one is REALLY lucky, one gets to HAVE one of his most incredible drawings. So much happening in this Empty Space given him most days--the creativity and imagination combined with fine-motor skills and artistry combined with language and story writing and scientific discovery…whew.  And just think, with her son so immersed in his own imaginative self, mama has the opportunity to relish an Empty Space for herself (or get those chores done and dinner made…!).

All of this incredible discovery and learning because of what can seem like an Empty Space we adults need to fill.

THIS is an important ingredient in the Recipe for Success

Our ability to let go of filling what seems to be a “wasted” space and trust what can unfold, instead.


And it can make your job as a parent easier.

Find Alice’s books here!

Today, find an Empty Space to give your child. Know that as you give them this space to BE you are providing them with opportunities absolutely key for growing well. Even if that Empty Space gets filled with the loud, upset, or any other BIG feeling (like Being Bored…!), it is valuable. Really! Essential ingredient for growing well .

Find the entire recipe for your Parenting Success right here. And enjoy!

Author and Parent Coach
©2017 Alice Hanscam

Our Response Matters

When things get heated, testy, frustrating, maddening,

scary, grief-stricken…our response IS necessary.

HOW we respond is what matters.

Whether the heat happens in your living room, at work, in your community, during rush-hour, between your kids, you and your partner, co-workers, school board members, politicians and politics, anywhere and with/at anyone…

HOW we respond is what determines just what is learned, what kind of influence we are, whether productive and hopefully positive change occurs.

When we react–often loudly, aggressively, maddeningly, fearfully, trying to control and make and convince and stop–we tend to (and you probably see this often with your children!) stir up MORE of exactly what we are trying to stop, change, make feel safe, better, right.

Think about this. When we push back with often very similar behavior that our child (or whomever it is with) has just shown us–raised voices, rough handling, absolutes that are nearly impossible to carry through–our child either gets LOUDER, rougher, more upset, repeats over and over again the very same behavior and it just keeps escalating; or they–out of fear, often–comply. They are scared about OUR reaction and quickly do just whatever it is we are trying to get them to do.

Pretty relationship-depleting.

Nor very productive in the long-run,  or the kind of positive influence we really want to be as we consider being the kind of resource and person we want our child to WANT to come back to. Especially when the going gets tough.

HOW we respond to any kind of conflict or challenge presented, no matter the “stage” (your living room, at work, on the road, in the community, country, world), will determine just what will be learned.  


PAUSE. Strengthen this muscle every chance you get.

PAUSE. Discover what works for YOU to calm all (or at least some of) the heat that is inside you.

Get CLEAR on just what you want the most, what you intend.

This includes thinking about what you value the most–qualities, strengths, beliefs. This includes what kind of influence YOU intend to be. This includes just what kind of adult you want to send off into the world, what kind of community you want to live in…

Step back into the situation and RESPOND (rather than react) based on what you want the MOST.

And now your calm(er) and clear(er) self will more likely say words that have a meaningful and positive impact, your actions will support your words (Integrity–what you mean you say and will do. Essential for living well), and you will more likely be listened to, cooperated or collaborated with, and most definitely will be respected.  Because you are being respectful.

Sounds like a lot to do, doesn’t it? Like something you really have NO time for. And yet, if we don’t start working on our ability to control ourselves and parent, live, lead from a truly authentic place–from inside-out, clear on building healthy relationships and communities, able to be the mature adult our children and world need, then things are going to ramp up and get ever harder.

Anxiety, fear, anger will grow. And our opportunities to get stronger at being calmer will not only increase, they will overwhelm. And it really is just “easier” to react. Though all that does is spiral it up even more.

So what does it all really mean or look like?

Instead of the desire and then reaction to get your child to quit hitting his brother….what you hopefully want the MOST is your child to learn how to problem solve, negotiate, work through conflict in productive ways. The desire to quit hitting is very real. The response needs to be based on learning to work through conflict in productive ways.

Instead of just getting out the door on time, period, and doing whatever it takes to get everyone out the door on time, what you hopefully want is a child who is learning how to manage THEIR time well, what it takes to be ready to roll, how their choices ripple out to impact the rest of their day…

Instead of rescuing a struggling child as they work on something difficult (whether it is a project, a Great Big Sad, challenging friendships, bullying, learning something new, taking responsibility for the results of a choice that wasn’t so wonderful…), what you want the MOST is a child able to manage the hard of the struggle. To know they can work through feelings productively, that they can count on your calm and safe presence to unload, that they can feel capable and competent as they figure things out. That mistakes are okay. Something to learn from instead of just fix.

That is what looking to what you want the MOST is all about.

Sometimes our response seems to be no responsebecause we have, following a PAUSE, calmed ourselves down enough that we wait. We watch. We listen. And often discover because of our calm, observant, quiet self we are providing LESS attention to the very less-than-desirable behavior…and that behavior? It now lessens. Changes. Shifts all on its own–or seemingly so. When our response is an intentional “no” response our respectful, quiet, watchful and waiting selves have just influenced another in a positive and productive way.

Sometimes our response is quick, firm, and done with your full and respectful presence as you stop your child or another from hurting or being hurt. Those are those immediate safety concerns…and when done with the Gentle Firmness that our quick and immediate response is when from a strengthened PAUSE muscle, it stays relationship-building. Even as anxiety, fear, and the LOUD of upset take over.

HOW we respond determines what is learned…

…and it is in the HOW that can be what is essential for growing more of the good, strong, productive, relationship-building, appreciative, even positive that we want for our children, our relationships, our communities, our world.

What we focus on grows.

This testy, LOUD, reactivity?  It really is way more about each of us–something we can control.  Today, tomorrow, forever–work at putting your attention first within yourself and getting calm and clear. Then make your response be in the good, kind, productive, appreciative, honest, collaborative, cooperative, relationship-BUILDING direction.

Respond with calm, clear, honest intention. What a world of difference this can make.

It matters.

Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

To help you along: It’s HARD to PAUSE

Or:  How Many Times Do I Need To Tell You?

With JOY and appreciation,

Alice Hanscam
Author and Parent Coach

Tantrums! Loud, giant, frustrating…

TANTRUMS. Or any and all big, giant, huge, loud, ear-splitting, eye rolling, often embarrassing and frustrating FEELINGS.

And how ever-so-difficult this can be–to manage our OWN response.

Simple, in that it is something you CAN control rather than trying to control your child…or any other human being….

Difficult–so very, very difficult–because it asks us to take an honest look at ourselves, get a “handle” on OUR often very big and overwhelming feelings, let go of feeling embarrassed, angry, sad, over-the-top frustrated…              

So two thoughts for you:

1)  Be gentle with your SELF.

When you find yourself responding in a less-than-wonderful way to your child’s work at learning to manage themselves, show yourself compassion. This is hard work and you will always have another opportunity to try again .

By showing yourself compassion--forgiving yourselfyou are role modeling an essential piece of living well for your child. Doing so often leads to authentic apologies. Doing so leads to self-care. Doing so leads to being honest. “I blew it. I need a break. I apologize…” What a way to show your child a mature way to deal with mistakes and big feelings. Now you’ve taken what started out as relationship-depleting and made it relationship-building.

2) Greet each round of “mis” behavior as another chance to strengthen your PAUSE muscle.

To find what it takes for you to take that split second, minute, hour, (day??)…to stop and focus on yourself, first. To find some semblance of calm. To think about what your child NEEDS and what can help your child the most, right now, to learn a little bit more about managing themselves. Then, hanging on to that thread of calm you’ve managed to find, go re-connect with your child. Discover that you may just respond rather than react. Notice how it lessens the intensity of the situation–maybe just a bit, but hey, that counts.  Pay attention to how, with your calm(er) self leading the way, connection happens.  And with connection compassion, cooperation, collaboration, healthier communication is more likely to emerge. In time.

So remember this:

The sign of great parenting is not your child’s behavior.

It is how YOU choose to behave.

It is okay if your child loses it–even in public. It is okay if your child needs to cling onto your leg and scream as you try to leave them at school. It is okay if your child has to yell, stomp, slam, roll eyes, sob, etc. This happens. For many reasons.

And as you are increasingly able to PAUSE, you will become clearer about just what your child needs, you are more likely to connect with your child in such a way that their need is answered, and now you are in a position to positively influence them as they work at learning more about themselves, how to manage their feelings, how to express themselves more productively…how to grow in healthy, relationship-building ways.


Find PAUSE and all of Alice’s books here!

Be gentle with yourself. Exercise your pause muscle. And always, always, re-connect.

Thank you to Synergy Parenting Resources for letting me share their poster.

Make it great today!

©2017 Alice Hanscam