“Cooperation is entirely based on trust.” (Dalai Lama, The Book of Joy)

Trust. Confidence. Compassion. Kindness. Friendship. Cooperation. Collaboration. We are lacking so much of this in our society, it seems. Everywhere we look, read, hear about there is angst, anger, altercations. True, what we focus on grows, and one can choose to focus on where it seems to all be disintegrating and disheartening–or very simply start looking another direction and see a large population of folks building upon the foundation of trust.

I feel compelled to write about this–energized by reading The Book of Joy, by my own spiritual practice, the Light I live in and by and work at radiating out. I, too, have struggled as I get caught up in the negativity of news.

I, too, have found myself full of angst, anger, and stewing over altercations. And then I am reminded to PAUSE…and intentionally focus on kindness, Light, care and compassion. I am reminded how I have a choice as to how I look at the world.

And then the cool thing happens. I find myself caring for, being kind to–in my thoughts and, hopefully, with my actions–those who are caught up in the angst, anger, and altercations. I recognize how shaken their foundation of trust is–no matter the cause. When our trust is compromised, so much can crumble. They need love and compassion more than ever. I know it can sound almost corny, to think “that’s all they need.” And yet, in a real sense, it is. Love that speaks to affirmation of feelings, acceptance of differences, receptivity to connection. Compassion that says, “I care” whether I agree or not. Compassion that reaches out and creates a shared human experience, touches upon another, welcomes in all feelings involved.

Think about a child. It is in that first year of life that trust is established. It is an essential need to be answered for a baby–trust that their hunger is satisfied, discomfort comforted, sleep had and respected. Trust that is formed via a healthy bond with a loving, tuned-in, responsive care-giver. This is where it all begins. This is where we can lay a solid foundation for the rest of life to be lived upon–and with a solid foundation, many hardships can be managed and managed well. When that trust is compromised, distrust, reactivity, upset, angst, anger and altercations grow–and all those hardships? They become far more devastating.

It feels like this is where we are at these days. Politically. With the pandemic. The fight for a healthy earth. With anything and everything that doesn’t fit our own personal view and belief. We’ve turned into an “I’m right/you’re wrong” society. As parents, when we fall into this with our own children, it becomes a battle. Trying to make them think, feel, do as we want–win/lose situations abound. Pretty relationship depleting. Pretty devastating in the long run.

And this seems to be exactly what is happening as we get immersed in the angst, anger, and altercations. To what end? For what good? Yet there IS a lot of good here–a lot of opportunity as we pause and take time to recognize it. How we handle stress and conflicts is where our relationships are born (Stress, Conflict, and Relationships). 

And that brings me to the grand opportunity we have in the midst of all the turmoil we find ourselves in.

We have the opportunity to choose how we think, feel, and react as we find ourselves in the midst of our angst, anger, and altercations. We can choose based on what I believe the majority of us want the most–a healthy, thriving world. We can choose based on the kind of relationships that leave us feeling cherished, uplifted, heard, appreciated, understood.

What does this require of us? 

Pausing, first and foremost. The kind of PAUSE that creates space in your life, allows you to ponder, to become clear about what you really want, to speak the words you really mean. The kind of PAUSE that provides the self-care necessary–the time to show yourself care and compassion so you can then do so for others. PAUSE as the practice it is that can calm, center, empower. A muscle you strengthen as you actively practice pausing all through your day.

Here’s what I have come to understand as I grow my own ability to pause and live from a calmer, more centered space:

Turmoil, pain, conflict means growth and learning. They have a place. What would it be like to feel peaceful, centered, content, and joyous no matter what the world does? From this place we become better able to serve those in pain, conflict, turmoil–we grow our ability to be empathetic and compassionate, to hear and understand. And it is then we can be truly effective in this world–transformational, even. As we better serve others with understanding, compassion and acceptance they can feel safe. It is from safety, emotionally and/or physically, that growth can occur. As we become peaceful, content, certain, our true and best selves, we become available to support and empower others. We can change the world.   

We each have a responsibility to better our world. To BE better. It begins with trust–within ourselves, for others, in God, nature, the Universe. From there, cooperation can emerge. And with cooperation we can heal, grow, be lifted and energized–we can be connected. 

With JOY, hope, and deep gratitude for the power of PAUSE to bring the Light and love we all need, for the work of the Dalai Lama and The Book of Joy,


Author and Parent Coach

©2021 Alice Hanscam